Page 31 of Havoc

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“Shit, boss, we’ve got a fucking problem.”


“This is the main bar.” I pointed out various things in the massive room so Sasha could envision what it would look like. “Mr. Gates just signed DJ Clay, who’ll be on stage there.” I tried to sound upbeat, but I hated the way Sonny kept watching me.

Jesse kept a close eye on me. I was glad Grim sent him. He was in a meeting, but I knew he would be here in a flash if Jesse so much as texted. Two security guys walked the perimeter of the newly built walls of the hotel and watched for anything out of place. I noticed Jesse was extra edgy and made motions for the guards to keep their eyes peeled. I wondered if it was just my situation or if something else was going on.

“I love the fabric he chose for the dining room chairs.” I ran my fingers over the dark velvet swirls embedded into the deep red fabric. “It’s rich but carries a hint of darkness, don’t you think?” I let my mouth go to try to hide my nerves.

“Kind of like your dress.” Sonny gave me a smile that was more like a leer and moved next to me. “I have to wonder what kind of secrets you have underneath this.” He pressed his hand into my lower back. I shrugged out of his reach and made a show of describing the custom taps that Grim had brought in from Italy.

“And this,” I went on, “is one of the kitchens.” I moved through the doors so Sasha could admire what I was sure would be one of the busiest kitchens on the strip. I saw Jesse take a call, and he pulled back.

Sasha nodded. “Impressive.” He’d been rather quiet during the tour but seemed interested in the kitchen. He moved to get a better look at the walk-in fridge. “What will this be?” He popped his head out and pointed at something inside.

“Let’s see.” I stepped inside, and he suddenly pushed me back against the wall, one hand slapped over my mouth, as he pressed an arm hard against my chest.

“Where’s Hanna?” he hissed at me, and I shook my head in confusion. He pushed harder on my chest, and I struggled to think straight. “I know she knows something. What does she know? What did she see?” I fought to breathe against his hold. Finally, he let my mouth go, and I sucked in a deep breath. “Don’t lie to me, Kenna. She’s your friend. I know she called you!” His arm eased a little.

“She did, but we got interrupted by Leo. She never told me anything.”

“Call her.” Saliva pooled in the corner of his mouth. His behavior shook me; I couldn’t believe I’d once been intimate with this man. I thought I at least knew who he was as a person. I couldn’t get my head around the fact that I felt threatened by him. He couldn’t possibly be as scary as my mind was now playing him up to be. I straightened my back and raised my chin as I felt my fight kick in. It was either that, or I was just a little insane in that moment.

“No.” I stared him straight in the eye.

“Kenna,” he blinked a few times, “call her, now.”

Was that desperation I saw in his eyes? “What is it that you think she knows, Sasha?”

“This goes way deeper than you think. Shit’s getting real.” He shoved me back into the wall, and suddenly Jesse stepped through the door with his gun drawn. Sasha ignored his gun and ran past him. Jesse grabbed my arm and pulled me with him out the door. The security guards stood in the kitchen; both had their guns on Sasha.

“Did he hurt you?” Jesse quickly gave me a onceover.

“I swear to God, Kenna, if you so much as—” Sasha sputtered as Jesse cracked his face with the butt of his gun. Sasha’s hands flew to his face as he yelped in pain.

“Get ’im out of here.” Jesse shoved Sasha to get him moving then turned back to look at me. “Kenna, what the hell happened?”

“I don’t know. One second, he was asking me a question, and the next he just snapped. Something’s got him majorly worried. He caught me off guard. I guess the tour’s over.” I looked at Jesse. “Where’d Sonny go?”

“Said he had to leave.” Jesse walked with me toward the door. “Convenient timing.” He gave me a look. “Sorry I left you alone. Grim called.”

“Not your fault, Jesse.” It wasn’t; it was mine. I should have been smarter. “Everything okay with Grim?”

“Just business as usual.” I could see the lie written on his face, but I didn’t push.

“He was pissed you didn’t join him last night.”

“When’s Grim not pissed off?”

“It’s the perks of his job.” He went to his defense, and I had to admire that. Jesse and Grim were obviously close.

We walked to the car, and I let my shoulders relax when he shut the door. It felt safe there.

“Can I ask you something?” I asked once we hit the main road.

“Sure.” He sent a quick text then looked up at me.

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