Page 27 of Havoc

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“For fuck’s sake,” Kurt yelled into the radio, “lose the damn drink, Olly!”


“Here ya go, Uncle Trig,” Denton handed him a glass of whiskey. “This place is insane, Grim.” The young man’s face showed his excitement. I knew for the first half of his life he’d been raised by his father, Trigger’s Uncle Gus, and his junkie mother. After Gus’s death, Trigger and Tess had done their best to parent him and his younger brother. Denton was being groomed to run Devil’s Reach someday. I knew he’d make a good president down the road, but now all the kid was interested in was women.

“Mm,” I halfheartedly answered as I continued to scan the rooftop party for anyone who shouldn’t be there.

“Did I interrupt something?”

“No, just looking.” I turned my eyes on him. When he shifted, I noticed he wore his gun on his hip. I glanced at Trigger, who shook his head and hitched a shoulder like it had been an ongoing battle.

“Why are you wearing your gun like a fucking fanny pack?” I gave him shit. “Are you waiting for the bureau to issue you a holster?”

“No, I just like wearin’ it there.” He pulled his cut to the side and studied it. “The ladies seem to like it.”

“What ladies?” Trigger joined in and Denton made a face. “I ain’t seen any fuckin’ ladies hanging off you at the club.”

The kid stuck out his chin. “I can get ladies.”

“That, I’d like to see.” I laughed into my glass. My mind wandered a bit as I looked around again. I still had a hard time digesting that Matt Myers was dead. I hated the guy, but I’d tolerated him. With Sonny’s attention on Kenna and me, I couldn’t be sure where he’d spew his anger once he heard, if he hadn’t already.

“Let’s get this plan moving, Grim.” Trigger brushed past me and waved for the others to gather on the far back couches.

I headed to the bar where Kenna was. The dress she wore burned all kinds of dark fantasies into my brain, and a guy I didn’t recognize was too close to her. I cleared my throat and eyed the mojito in his hand as I forced my way between them.

“Hey, man,” the guy complained, “I was just going to buy the lady a drink.”

“No,” I tossed over my shoulder.

“Thank you, but I’m fine getting my own.” Kenna tried to smooth the situation over. I waved at the bartender, and he knew to put hers on my tab.

“Here you are, Kenna.” The bartender leaned over. “On your tab, Mr. Gates.”

Kenna’s angry expression found mine. “You love swinging that big dick around, don’t you?” She pushed off the bar, and I licked along my teeth. Christ, she had a set of balls.

We made our way over to the others and sat on the couch next to Minnie and Brick. Kenna leaned over and gave Denton a hug. He smirked at me as he rubbed her back.

“It’s great to see ya again, Kenna.” The kid practically salivated as he nestled against her.

“You too.” I noticed her dress rode up her thighs, and I forced myself to look away.

“Let’s get this started.” I nodded at Trigger, whose smirk morphed into a serious face.

Trigger kept it short and to the point. We all had a role to play, and because they seemed to be after information on both my family and Trigger’s, it needed to be flawless.

“Kenna,” Trigger swung his gaze over to her, and I felt her shift, “I’m going to ask you this one time. What is this person blackmailing you with?”

“What? No,” I watched the pulse in her neck quicken, “I can’t do that.” She looked at me for help, and I studied her panic without reacting. “What if he’s here?” She lowered her voice as I remained emotionless. “Look, just give me a few days. Let me get hold of Hanna and figure out something.” She stopped talking when she realized what she’d said.

“Wanna expand on that?” Trigger glared at her.

“Wait, I mean…” Her gaze went from me to Trigger and back again with wide eyes. I was curious to know what that was about as well. Trigger was right. She held back secrets, and the only way we could move forward with everything was if she told us the whole truth.

“Let’s not do this here.” I gave Trigger a quick glance, and Kenna looked at me in silent thanks. Both Trigger and I had left Kenna out of this part of the plan.

“Fine.” Trigger nodded, pleased Kenna knew she had to share what she was holding. It had gone on long enough. “If any of you hear anything, come to me.”

Everyone agreed, and the tension eased slightly as we ordered more drinks and continued to play our parts of the plan.

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