Page 107 of Havoc

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I arrived on the top floor and was hit with a wave of heat. I checked myself once more as I went by a mirror. My light pink dress was like a second skin, but the temperature made it feel even tighter. The girls were front and center, and my dress hit high on my thighs. Minnie knew I always felt confident in this color, so I made sure to rock it with a metallic heel. My dark hair was long and wavy, and my makeup light.

I suddenly wondered if my stalker was going to be there. I looked around quickly and bit my bottom lip. I reassured myself with the fact that he hadn’t taken Rail’s bait on that text message. I couldn’t figure out why he had gone silent. Maybe he’d given up on the texts and just watched me in person. I squeezed my eyes shut and pushed the thought away. I stopped and sprayed on a little perfume, took a deep breath, and headed toward the others.

“Sei molto bella. You must be Kenna.” A man, who was obviously Italian with that gorgeous accent, stepped in front of me as I approached the others. He grinned then playfully kissed my hand. “But if not, may I buy you a drink?”

“Oh, no, brother,” another Italian I knew as Vinni interrupted. “This is Kenna.” He draped an arm around the other man’s shoulders.

“Hello, Vinni.” I smiled to show I remembered him. I chuckled as I thought of him here with Trigger and his guys. He always avoided Trigger at all costs. It was no secret he was terrified of him.

“Scusa, I figured it was too good to be true.” He winked and offered a hand. “I’m Niccola, Vinni’s brother.”

Ah, yes, the famous Capri brothers and cousins to Elio Capri, the Mafia Don of Italy.

“Older brother,” Vinni corrected him.

“Older, yes, but also wiser and much more experienced.” They playfully bantered while he held my hand as though it was a delicate treasure.

“It’s a pleasure to meet you, Niccola.” I smiled when he kissed my hand. You had to hand it to the Italians, they knew how to charm a lady—unless you were on their hit list, of course. I chuckled to myself.

“Trust me, Kenna, the pleasure is all mine.” He flashed another big, white smile while he threw a glance at the others.

“Is it working?” Niccola asked as Vinni looked over at the others.


“Is what working?” I was curious to know what he meant.

Niccola offered an arm, and I took it. “We’re just testing out the waters to ascertain how far our dark but dear friend has gone.”

“Which dear friend? Because, no offense, but there are a lot of people here.” I ran through my mind all those I knew who would be there for drinks. All the main members of the Devil’s Reach, and their significant others. Grim and Jesse, of course, and I knew Elio would be there. I assumed he was the tall, handsome one with his back to me. I wasn’t sure how many of his Mafia syndicate traveled with him besides these two, his cousins.

“The one who is watching you with such intensity.” Vinnie laughed. “I do think he would put a bullet into anyone who looks at you the wrong way. It could be fun.”

“You’ve got it all wrong.” I smiled at him and enjoyed his spunk. “We may have had something once, but not anymore.”

“Really?” Vinni raised a brow. “Because we have all evening to be proven wrong.”

Kill me now, an Italian Rail.

Vinni conveniently made sure I sat right next to Grim, then he wedged his way between Minnie and Rail so I had to shimmy even closer to Grim. Rail eyed me thoughtfully, and I waited for him to say something. For once, he only cocked an eyebrow and grinned at me.

I was so pleased to be their source of entertainment.

Niccola introduced his cousin. “Kenna, this is Elio Capri.”

He sat across from me in a gorgeous Italian suit. His dark eyes found mine as a smile broke out behind his finger that rubbed across his lips.

“Nice to meet you.” His sexy accent gave me goosebumps, or maybe it was because Grim’s hand moved to his thigh, and it brushed by my bare skin.

“You as well.” I smiled politely. He carried a level of dominance that almost made me shiver. He wore a large black ring, and it flashed in the lights that hung above us as he ran a hand through his thick black hair. Elio was an attractive man but, much like Trigger, he didn’t seem to pay attention to the other women around us.

“I see you wore pink.” Minnie admired my dress. “And your heels are fab.” She studied my face. “Nice try, though.” She drew out the words thoughtfully, and I knew she saw right through me.

I was trying to be okay, I wanted to be okay, but truth was I wasn’t. I’d been through a lot and now, with Grim shutting down on me, I felt vulnerable. I wished I’d never let him in.

“However,” she eased up, “I do approve of your girls being out.” She pointed to my cleavage with a laugh. “I’ll always approve of that.”

“Thanks,” I nodded at her and noticed Rail’s face suddenly morph into an evil smile.

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