Page 52 of Monster's Madness

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So I did that about a million times and managed to get an aura in place for a while, but it always seemed to dissipate, the flames returning back to my core, when I forgot to focus on holding them there.

So that was the next task. I had to practice holding it in place until it became second nature, as unconsciousas breathing.

I was told to practice everywhere, at all times. In class, in the cafeteria, in the shower, in bed when trying to fall asleep.

Make sex?Miki-Leopard asked.

Okay, that was really disturbing. It had occurred to me after admonishing the admin that my leopard was in essence a toddler cub who needed to be shielded from some of the more scary aspects of life at the Academy, that I was just as bad since she was also being exposed to my wild and graphic sexual shenanigans with Elli-Dragon.

Unfortunately, there was no way to shield her from our very,veryactive sex life, so I’d given up. Sometimes she was sleeping and sometimes she was awake, offering commentary and causing us both to burst into laughterright at a crucial moment.

Miki-Leopard hungry,she announced one evening when Elliot had his head buried between my legs.That not food.

Of course, we both burst into laughter, then put a pause to our sexy-times for a quick run to the cafeteria.

We learned our lesson with that one, though, and now kept snacks in the bedside table.

Hey, in a pinch, a little bit of jerky goes a long way.

In any case, I finally got that shield in place and by the time we were getting ready for finals, it was no longer dissipating, even when I was sleeping. My magic was now so close to the surface that Elliot swore sometimes I glowed with it.

Of course, we didn’t know whetherthe shield worked or not. As long as Zowen stayed away, we had no way of knowing if it was because of the shield or if he was just taking another one of his breaks before trying again.

Then, right during finals week, he came for me, and not in my dreams.


He didn’t even tryto grab me when I was alone or to hide that he was there for me.

He burst into my Inner Beast Management class, right after the entire class had entered the simulation room for another lab experience, this one counting as our final, and somehow completely shattered the simulationfor everyone.

There was a moment of confusion, with all of us looking at each other, wondering why the simulation had already ended when it had barely begun. Then Zowen was there.

He came out of the shadows at the far end of the room, a truly terrifying sight, with his dark, dragon wings spread wide and shadows streaming from his form as if he wasn’t physically there anymore.

I remembered him having a physical form last time, but maybe that had just been my brain trying to make sense of what I’d seen because today he was shadows and mist more than physical man.

He dove straight for me and the other students all scattered, screaming.

They raced for the outer door and began banging on it when it wouldn’topen.

“It’s locked!” someone shouted.

I couldn’t reply as I was busy grappling with Zowen, burning him with my fire over and over again, but it seemed he had a million shadow arms and when one retreated, another took its place.

Miki-Leopard fight?

No, Miki. Today, it’s my fight.I’d made a vow to myself that although there were many things I couldn’t protect Miki from—the glory of sex being one of them—this, fighting our enemy, was one thing I could.

I heard a scream to the right and glanced over to see Tabitha struggling against long tentacles of shadows that had lifted her off the ground.

“No!” I flung out one arm and threwmy magic toward the shadows that were about to chuck her into the Shadow Realm.

I didn’t see the result because in my distraction, Zowen got a couple shadow tentacles around my waist and yanked me back. I managed to shove my fire right into them, dislodging them, but two more came flying in.

“Fuck this,” I muttered. This time, instead of constantly trying to battle individual shadows as they attacked, I envisioned the aura of magic that had settled in my skin expanding outward, so that it attackedeveryshadow around me.

The bands loosed and as I fell to the ground, I caught a glimpse of that idiot Taggart in the clutches of adifferent shadow.

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