Page 53 of Monster's Madness

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He wasn’t fighting at all. Instead, his eyes were closed and he was muttering something.

I hit the ground running and was incredulous when I got close enough to hear what he was saying.

“I am one with my wolf. I am one with my wolf.”

“Oh, my goddess!” I shouted as I flung my icy fire at the shadows dragging him toward the Shadow Realm. “Stop embracing your beast and fight!”

My magic missed the shadows holding him, but hit others that slithered back.

His eyes flew open and he stared right at me. “But I need to become one with my wolf!”

“If you aren’t one by now, it’s too freaking late. Now SHIFT!” I threw outanother barrage of my flames.

As if that was all he needed to hear, Taggart shifted to a snarling wolf just as my magic connected with the shadows holding him.

He leapt for the ground with a furious howl.

I slid to a halt, disgusted that I’d just been forced to freaking saveTaggart.

He backed toward me, his fur brushing my legs.

Another wolf came rushing up to stand at his side. Tabitha maybe.

Chaos surrounded us.

Shadows slithered closer.

Students threw magic hysterically, some of them accidentally hitting their classmates and friends.

Other students were beasting out, roaring and slashing, fightingagainst an enemy they couldn’t really harm or kill.

Sirens were going off and from outside the room, we could hear people shouting and banging. At least they knew this time that something had gone wrong.

Uncertain what else to do, how to protect everyone inside this room, I did the only thing I could think of.

I reached for my magic again, and like before, expanded my aura, shoving every last bit of my magic away from me, flames of fire and crackling bolts of ice lightning filling the air with heat and light.

I grappled with the roaring power of it, struggling to infuse it with intent, to burn and freeze shadows only.

I hesitated, terrified my flames would burn out of control, but all around me,shadows were throwing students into the Shadow Realm and this was the only way I could help.

Heart pounding, dizzy from the sheer volume of magic I was grappling with, I flung my arms wide and let the magic go.

It burst free in an explosion of light.

My flames passed over Taggart and Tabitha, lighting up their forms. The two wolves settled back on their haunches, tongues out, breathing heavily as the flames passed on.

They passed through shadows where a storm of icy lightning lit up their darkness and sent those shadows spinning away in tiny fragments of light.

They passed over students lying unconscious on the floor, huddled against each other, fighting still more shadows. As my flamesreleased them, those who were unconscious stirred to life while the others glanced around in wonder.

My flames pressed to the very walls of the room, filling every single shadow with light.

Zowen, who had retreated to the far corner when my magic hit his shadows, shouted, “I won’t be locked away again. This ismyRealm and Iwillreclaim it.”

Then, as my flames got closer and closer, he faded into the shadows and was gone.

Barely a second later, the door blew off its hinges and my dragon came storming inside, a veritable army of professors behind him.

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