Page 49 of Monster's Madness

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Essentially, our plan was to wait and see.

I’d shared about my icy fire and how I thought I could use it to drive Zowen back into the shadows, but we weren’t sure how toweaponize my power to protect everyone in the Academy.

Basically, we were exactly where they’d been at the end of last year: determined to protect the students of the Academy, but uncertain how to go about it when every shadow was a potential entry point for a serial killer.

After that first week of classes, which had obviously been intense, things settled down and fell into a much calmer rhythm.

Elliot and I spent as much time together as we could.

He continued to tutor me, training Miki-Leopard and me to work together as one entity. It was interesting because we weren’t one being, we were two, but we definitely shared one body and we did have to learn how to maneuver it together.

It was more a matter of trusting Miki’s instincts and dialing back my own need to be in control of everything. Basically, it was the opposite of what my Inner Beast Management class taught since instead of seeking to control my leopard, I was yielding that control to Miki when in our leopard form.

I’d been doing that almost instinctively from the beginning, if only because I had no ideahowto be a leopard, so this was just me being more aware of what I was doing and offering Miki encouragement and praise asshegained more confidence in herself.

Kasi also loaned me her shadow-kitten book, which gave me so much insight into Miki’s playful personality. I was letting her out more and more and really enjoying those times when we werein our leopard form.

We went on runs with Sunny and Daya every couple days and we spent time in the evening with Kasi and Jahrdran, just so that Shadow and Miki could run and play together.

I threw myself back into the routine of practicing with my magic.

This was something I’d spent my whole life doing: wielding my fire magic and practicing my control over that element.

This time, though, it wasn’t just fire. It was also ice. Lightning bolts of ice that sometimes rained down with the fire, like it had in the obstacle course when it froze the quicksand. Ice along the edges of my flames that sometimes froze whatever I’d intended to burn.

Elliot helped mepractice. He would fly us to an area of the island that was pretty deserted where fire had little chance of causing damage, and we’d practice. We’d see which of us could blow our fire the furthest or burn a piece of paper the fastest or arrow our flames to the smallest of targets.

Invariably, our practice sessions ended with us on the ground, rolling around, tearing off our clothes and indulging our passions.

Elliot was seriously the hottest man I’d ever known and the things he could do with his tongue were un-freaking-believable.

I could get palpitations just thinking about his long andverytalented tongue.

The craziest thing about the changes in my life was that I was actually starting to enjoy my Extreme Sportsclass. How completely ridiculous. However, it was the one class I had with Elliot and I loved spending the time with him.

There was always some ridiculous physical challenge we had to master and I enjoyed pitting my strengths against Elliot’s.

Sometimes we worked together, like the first time we’d gone through the obstacle course, but more often than not, we competed against each other, trying to win whatever course we were on. We often competed for sexual favors, which made the competition all the sweeter.

Miki-Leopard would totally get into the competitions, especially if we got to shift into our animal forms. She had fun flirting with Elli-Dragonby constantly chasing him and trying to climb onto his back.

No matter what the challenge was and no matter who won it, we always celebrated with hot, steamy sex.

The one class I stilldidn’tenjoy was Dragon Riding 101. However, I did what I needed to in order to pass and when it came time for me to ride a dragon—well, first I tried to convince Professor Vesely to allow me to ride Elliot instead. Unfortunately, that was an emphatic no. So, I rode a dragon. It was stressful and not very much fun, to be honest.

The dragons were cranky and they weren’t as comfortable to ride as Elliot. Well, they were smaller and they didn’t exactly care about my comfort. I’m also convinced they could smell Elliot on me and subjected me to wilder rides as aresult.

When I complained to the professor, he looked at me like I was crazy and told me they were wild dragons. What exactly did I expect?

To make the situation even more ridiculous, Elliot’s reaction the first day I rode one of the dragons was completely over-the-top.

He beat me to the cafeteria for lunch that day, so there were a lot of witnesses when I walked in.

The minute I got close, Elliot’s nostrils flared. “You rode another dragon?” he roared.

The entire cafeteria froze and everyone stared at us, or more accurately, they stared at my crazy, possessive dragon mate, who apparently hadn’t thoughtthrough all the implications of my class schedule.

“Of course, I rode a dragon, Elliot. I’m taking Dragon Riding 101. You know, the class where we met for the first time?”

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