Page 44 of Monster's Madness

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Elli-Dragon,Mikaela said sleepily.Love Elli-Dragon.

“Mikaela.” His voice was raw with residual terror and pain.

“I know. I’m here. I’m here.”

For a long moment, we just stood there, wrapped around each other, both of us trembling. Me, from what I’d seen on his face and the realization of what I’d unknowingly put everyone through and him because of all the fears he must have faced those long hours that I was missing.

Miki-Leopard, on the other hand, was rumbling happily, making that quasi-purring sound she made, and crooning to us between purr-growls.

My Elli-Dragon.

Long moments passed, then someone cleared their throat.


Pulling back from Elliot, I kissed his cheek, then his lips, happy to see them quirking in amusement at Miki’s rambling. I raised my eyes to look over his shoulder.

My Elli-Elli-Dragon.

Mrs. Diaz, Headmistress Blackthorn and Professor Dunlop were all standing there, waiting.

Miki-Leopard love Elli-Dragon.

“I was still in the simulation room,” I said quickly, sothey’d know that I hadn’t done this on purpose. “We never left it. Shadow came to us to help because Zowen showed up. I thought it was the simulation, though.”

Elliot trembled against me or maybe it was me trembling at the realization that if itwasn’tthe simulation, the second Zowen was probably the very real Lydrel Zowen from my nightmares.

I dragged in a deep breath. Leaning back to look into Elliot’s eyes, I said to him and to everyone else who needed to hear it, “We drove him back, Shadow, Miki-Leopard and me. You hear me, Elliot?We won.”

His arms tightened compulsively around me and he nodded. “No wounds this time?”

I smiled. “None at all.”

“Why would you ask that, Mr.Markham?” Headmistress Blackthorn said. “Last time, she came back to us in a coma, but with no visible wounds.”

“We think that Lydrel Zowen’s somehow gotten access to dream-walker powers,” I said. “We’re not sure how strong they are yet, but he’s definitely been walking in my dreams.” I glanced down at my left arm, then held it out. “When Miki-Leopard went into the shadows, they healed us a little, but you can still see the scars.” They were actually pretty damn cool-looking if you asked me. Five marks down my forearm, labeling us a badass.

“You should have reported this immediately, Ms. Mitchell,” Headmistress Blackthorn said, a worried look on her face.

“We only figured it outlast night.” Elliot said, finally letting my legs drop to the ground so that I was standing beside him, rather than wrapped around him. Of course, he kept one arm around me, holding me close. “Until then, everyone thought Mikaela was just having regular nightmares, but when she came back with these wounds last night, or rather early this morning, that’s when we knew.”

That none of the professors commented on the fact that Elliot had clearly been with me when I woke from my nightmare, in clear violation of Blackthorn Academy rules about not visiting other residential levelsandnot sleeping in other rooms, was a clear indication of how serious they found these events.

“All right, we need to discuss this. I’mguessing you’d all probably like to eat something, and dinner’s about to start,” Blackthorn said, “so let’s plan to meet in the library, all of us, around eight p.m.”

We indicated our agreement and the three professors left.

“Where’s Jasmine?” I suddenly realized she wasn’t with them.

“I’m here, I’m here.” Jasmine came racing up the steps, barreling past the professors, and practically threw herself at me.

We probably both would have gone down if Elliot hadn’t been there to brace me.

Jasmine burst into tears the minute I wrapped my arms around her. “We couldn’t find you anywhere,” she wailed as she hugged me tight. “When they told us you weren’t even oncampus, I went to Wellspring to search there. When Jahrdran texted that you were back, I couldn’t get here fast enough.” She pulled away and glared at me. “That’s twice now you almost broke my heart. Don’t do it again.” She hit my armhard,then hugged me again.

“I’m so sorry, but I’m fine now.” I patted her on the back. “I promise. I’m fine.”


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