Page 25 of Monster's Reward

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It was opposite the corner we’d entered from, which was intriguing to say the least.

Is it an actual door?

It has a knob.

Interesting.I hurried to join her and immediately saw she was right. Therewasa door, and as one might expect in a shadow-room, it wavered and moved with the shadows around it.

Where do you think it goes, Kasi-mew?

I don’t know, Shadow, but let’s take a peek.

I don’t know what I expected, but it wasn’t what we found when we opened the door.

Water bowl.Shadow stepped forward and lifted a paw as if she was about to splash it in the water.

It’s a toilet, Shadow. Don’t play in it.


That was when I realized that no matter how close we’d gotten, Shadow had never accompanied me to the bathroom.

Uh, litter box?

She just looked at me.What’s a litter box?

It’s where mortal cats go to do their business.

Mortal cats have businesses?

No. Never mind. Just don’t play in that water. It’s not good for you. Now, come back in here and help me decide what books to take with me.

We slipped back into the shadow-room, where Shadow continued to explore and I perused book titles and added a couple more to my stack.

I now had seven books and I had no idea how I was going to get them back to my room. I’d probably have to make several trips.

Just as I was trying to decide which books to carry back first, Shadow came bounding up to me dragging a bookbag with her.

Where’d you find this?I carefully extracted the handles from her mouth.

Shadow-rack.She bounded to another corner, where if I squinted, I could just make out the shadowy form of what appeared to be a tall coat rack.

Fabulous job, Shadow. This should do nicely.The bag wasn’t that big, but as I settled books inside it, I realized it was somehow enchanted because it was definitely holding more books than it should.

I worried at first because when I put the first book inside the bag, the book simply vanished, but if I reached deep, I could feel it and pull it free again.

It must be somehow connected to the shadow realm. I’vegotto learn how to enchant objects like this!

I was doubly determined once all seven books were packed away and, upon slinging the bag over my shoulder, I discovered it hardly weighed anything at all.

It’s a miracle bag,I proclaimed to Shadow,and you’re a miracle for discovering it.

Shadow let out a rumble of happiness, then led me back to the shadow-door.

We slipped through it into the bathroom stall and I turned to study the door as we let it close behind us.

The minute it closed, the outline disappeared and it was as if the door had never existed at all.

I pushed on the wall, but nothing happened.

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