Page 97 of Playboy

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“Exactly,” Ramon said, the plan solidifying in his mind. “We bring Omar in. Let him know Selena’s alive and that we know where she is. He’ll be desperate to find her, to bring her back. We use him as our weapon. Let him be the one to get his hands dirty. He gets me Ms. Allen, and I’ll give him Selena.”

Ruben smirked, his anger slowly giving way to a dark satisfaction. “It’s a good plan, hermano. Omar will be easy to manipulate. He’s been waiting for this for years.”

Ramon nodded, his eyes gleaming with cold calculation. “I’ll contact Omar and tell him we have information on Selena. He’ll do the rest.”

“Where is Omar nowadays?”

“Last I heard, he’s been living in the Miami area.”

“I’m just saying. What if Omar doesn’t want Selena back? What then?”

Ramon tapped his fingers against his desk. “Then we deal with Selena ourselves. She’ll face the same fate as Ms. Allen.”

Ruben suddenly looked deep in thought. He turned his eyes on Ramon. “Are you sure you want to bring Ms. Allen back here? Why not just have Omar or someone else take care of her and be done with it? Why risk it?”

The picture of Gabriella was still fresh in his mind. He would never admit it to his brother, but he had become sort of obsessed with her.

“I’m thinking of having a little fun with her first.”

Ruben’s eyes widened. “You want to fuck the bitch who murdered our brother?”

“Oh, I’m going to do a lot more than just fuck her,” he stated very seriously, and a bit irked by the tone his brother was using toward him. “Now, if you’re finished questioning my authority, you can leave.”

Ruben stood up, but before he turned to leave, he looked at Ramon. “I hope you know what you’re doing. The last thing we need is some bitch coming here and causing even more problems for us. If it were up to me, I dump the bitch in the ocean and let the sharks deal with her.”

Ramon watched as Ruben stormed out of the room, slamming the door behind him.

He started to wonder if his brother was right and that bringing Gabriella here to Cuba was a bad idea. Would he be opening up Pandora’s box and inviting a war to his doorstep? He thought about it, weighing the pros and cons. Sure, hiring someone to take her out would be easy and leave his hands fairly clean. But in his deranged mind, that would be letting her off easy. He wanted to see her suffer before he ended her life.

Not wanting to waste any more time, he picked up the phone and dialed Omar’s number.

Ramon leaned back in his leather chair, the phone pressed to his ear. He drummed his fingers on the glass desk as he waited for Omar to pick up.

Finally, the line clicked, and Omar’s voice came through. “Ramon?”

“Omar, my friend,” Ramon greeted, a smile spreading across his face. “How are you?”

“I’ve been well. What can I help you with?”

“I’m reaching out because I have a proposition for you. It involves the woman who is responsible for my brother’s death. I need you to grab her and bring her to me.”

There was a pause on the other end. “Go on,” Omar said, his tone cautious but intrigued.

“Her name is Gabriella Allen, and she lives in Virginia Beach,” Ramon continued. “I need her brought to me.”

Omar’s voice hardened. “And why are you calling me with this?”

Ramon chuckled. “Because, my friend, I have some information that I think will interest you.”

“What kind of information?”

“What if I told you that I have a location for someone you’ve been searching for?”

The line went silent, and Ramon could almost hear Omar’s breath quicken. “Selena?” Omar said, his voice barely a whisper. “You found her?”

“Yes,” Ramon confirmed. “And she just so happens to be friends with the woman I want dead.”

Omar’s voice turned cold. “Where is she?”

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