Page 62 of Playboy

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“Come in,” she called, shifting to sit up straighter.

When the door opened, Gabby’s jaw dropped. It wasn’t just Drew standing there—Clover and Jocelyn were with him, along with a woman Gabby didn’t recognize. The stranger had fiery red hair that spilled past her shoulders, and her sharp green eyes glimmered with warmth.

Gabby stared at the group, a mix of confusion and surprise. “What are you guys doing here?” she asked, her voice caught somewhere between shock and disbelief.

Clover grinned and stepped into the room, followed closely by Jocelyn. “Playboy and your mom called us,” she explained. “They told us they couldn’t make it today and asked if we could be here in their place. And, of course, we couldn’t say no to that. This is a huge milestone in your recovery, Gabby. We wouldn’t miss it.”

Gabby’s chest tightened, her throat suddenly thick with emotion. She didn’t expect anyone to be here. The fact that Clover and Jocelyn had shown up because her mom and Playboy asked them to made her heart swell. “I don’t even know what to say,” she muttered, feeling tears sting the back of her eyes. But these weren’t sad tears. It was something else, something stronger—gratitude.

“You don’t have to say anything,” Jocelyn added with a warm smile, her hand resting on Gabby’s shoulder. “We’re here for you. That’s what matters.”

Clover gestured toward the redhead beside her. “This is Autumn, by the way. She’s a friend of ours and a therapist here at the hospital.”

Gabby glanced at the woman, curiosity sparking. “Nice to meet you,” she said, offering a small smile despite the storm of emotions swirling inside her.

“It’s a pleasure, Gabby,” Autumn replied with a nod. Her voice was soft but confident, and she exuded a calming presence.“Drew thought an extra set of eyes on your fitting might be helpful, so I tagged along.”

“Plus,” Clover chimed in, “Autumn’s married to Frost, one of the SEALs on Alpha Team. We figured you’d all get along.”

Gabby blinked in surprise. “Oh! So you know Tanner…err…Playboy?”

Autumn laughed lightly. “Matter of fact, I do. You are lucky to have snagged a great guy.”

Drew stepped forward then, clapping his hands together with a smile. “Alright, ladies, time to get going. We’ve got a long day ahead, but trust me, this is going to be a good one.”

Gabby nodded her earlier frustration with Alley fading into the background. She had her friends here, people who genuinely cared about her. Her heart felt lighter, knowing that even if Alley wanted her gone, she wasn’t alone in this fight. With Clover, Jocelyn, and now Autumn by her side and Drew leading the charge, she felt a new wave of determination rising in her chest.

“Let’s do this,” Gabby said, her voice filled with renewed purpose.

The group gathered around her. Their energy was infectious. Drew gestured toward the door leading the way. As they made their way down to the PT area, Gabby couldn’t help but feel an overwhelming sense of gratitude. Today wasn’t just about being fitted for her prosthetic. It was about moving forward with the people who were ready to support her every step of the way.


Gabby sat in the wheelchair, her heart pounding in her chest. The prosthetic leg felt foreign, an extension of her body she had yet to accept fully.

She looked around the room, which was filled with supportive faces—Clover, Jocelyn, and her nurse Selena hadshown up. All of them were watching her with encouraging smiles. Beside her stood Autumn, Drew, and another guy named Cale, who was a prosthetist.

Gabby took a deep breath, trying to steady her nerves. The parallel bars in front of her seemed both inviting and intimidating. She knew this moment was significant, her first steps on her prosthetic leg.

“Alright, Gabby,” Autumn said gently, placing a reassuring hand on her shoulder. “Whenever you’re ready, take your time.”

Cale knelt down to check the prosthetic one last time. “How does it feel? Any discomfort?”

Gabby shook her head, her voice steady but quiet. “No, it feels okay. Just... strange.”

“That's completely normal,” Cale assured her, standing up. “We'll adjust it as needed. The key is to listen to your body.”

Clover leaned forward, her eyes shining with encouragement. “You've got this, Gabby. We believe in you.”

Jocelyn nodded enthusiastically. “You’re stronger than you think. Just take it one step at a time.”

“Remember what we talked about, Gabby—one step at a time,” Selena said as she looked on.

Gabby smiled, feeling a warmth spread through her chest from their support.

She glanced at Selena, who gave her a reassuring nod. “You’re ready,” Selena said softly. “And we're right here with you.”

Taking a deep breath, Gabby placed her hands on the parallel bars, feeling the cool metal under her palms. Using her arms and her right leg, she stood up. Once she was up, she shifted her weight slightly, testing the balance.

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