Page 55 of Playboy

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Gabby felt a wave of warmth wash over her, a smile appearing on her lips for the first time all day. “Clover, you guys didn’t have to do this… but I’m so glad you did.” She laughed, eyeing the basket appreciatively. “You know me too well.”

Clover set the basket down on the bed and plopped into the chair beside her. “Of course we do. Chocolate fixes everything, right?”

Gabby chuckled softly, but there was a heaviness in her chest she couldn’t shake. Gabby hobbled on her crutches to the bed bed and sat down.

Clover, ever perceptive, must have sensed something was off because she tilted her head, her smile softening into concern.

“Okay, spill it,” Clover said. “What’s wrong?”

Gabby hesitated, staring at her hands as she fidgeted with the edge of the blanket. “I just… I was awful yesterday,” she admitted, her voice quiet. “My family, my team, Playboy—they all came to see me, and I just… I couldn’t handle it. I snapped atthem, and I now feel horrible. I know they mean well, but I didn’t treat them like they deserved. I texted them to apologize, but I haven’t heard from my parents yet, and I’m worried I pushed them away.”

Clover listened intently, her expression empathetic, but she stayed quiet, letting Gabby continue.

“And there’s more,” Gabby said, swallowing hard. “I’m scared, Clover. I don’t know if I’ll be able to go back to work, not like I was before. What if I lose my job? My whole life has been in the Coast Guard. It’s all I’ve ever wanted to do, and now… now it feels like it’s slipping away.”

Clover nodded, her eyes softening. “I get it, Gabby. More than you think.”

Gabby looked up, her brow furrowed. “What do you mean?”

Clover leaned back in the chair, exhaling deeply before she began. “You know I was a Marine helicopter pilot, right? Well, earlier this year, I got caught up in some serious drama. I won’t get into all the details, but it ended with me getting shot.” She paused, letting that sink in before continuing. “It cost me my career in the military. I was devastated. Like you, I thought my life was over. Flying was everything to me, and losing that was like losing a part of myself.”

Gabby felt her heart twist at Clover’s words. She hadn’t known the full extent of what Clover had gone through.

“But here’s the thing,” Clover said, her voice growing stronger. “When that door closed, another one opened. I was offered a job with a reputable security firm that allows me to keep flying helicopters. I still get to do what I love, just in a different way.”

Gabby stared at her, the weight of Clover’s story settling in. “So… you’re saying that even if I lose my job…”

“There will be other opportunities,” Clover said firmly. “You’re smart, and you’ve got those Intelligence certifications.You’ve got options, Gabby. I know it’s hard to see that right now, but trust me, there’s more out there for you. Even if it’s not exactly what you planned.”

Gabby let Clover’s words sink in, the tightness in her chest loosening just a little. Maybe she was right. Maybe there was more for her beyond this injury, beyond her fear of losing everything she’d worked for.

Just as the two of them were laughing over something ridiculous—Clover making a joke about Gabby’s obsession with chocolate—there was another knock on the door.

Gabby’s heart skipped a beat, and this time, she knew exactly who it was.

Playboy stepped into the room, his smile warm and easy, but his eyes immediately softened when they landed on her. Gabby felt her heart do a little flip, a feeling of relief and something more settling into her bones.

Clover noticed the way Gabby and Playboy were looking at each other and grinned knowingly. “Well, that’s my cue to go,” she said, standing up. “I’ll let you two lovebirds have some time alone.”

Gabby blushed, but she smiled as Clover gave her a quick hug. “Thanks, Clover. For everything.”

“You got it,” Clover said, winking as she headed for the door. “I’ll check in with you soon.”

And with that, she was gone, leaving Gabby and Playboy alone in the room. As Gabby looked at him, she felt the weight of the past few days start to lift.


As Playboy walked down the quiet hospital hallway toward Gabby’s room, he heard something that made him pause—a soft laugh followed by another. It was Gabby’s laugh. It was the firsttime in days that he’d heard her sound anything close to happy, and it brought a smile to his face. He knew how tough the last few weeks had been for her, and how much she had been holding inside. Hearing her laugh like that, even for a moment, gave him hope.

He had no hard feelings about her bad mood yesterday. Gabby had asked everyone to leave, a storm of frustration and exhaustion behind her words. But Playboy didn’t take it personally—he knew better. Nobody could truly understand what she was going through, the weight of her injury, and everything she’d lost. If she needed space, he’d give it to her. But today, he was here to remind her that she didn’t have to carry it all on her own.

In his hand was a bag containing dinner for both of them. It was Friday, and Fridays meant one thing—Bayside’s prime rib special. It had always been Gabby’s favorite, and he figured a taste of her old routine might cheer her up. He stopped by on his way to the hospital, picking up two to-go orders, hoping it might bring some comfort to a difficult week.

He’d spoken with her parents last night, and while they were a little hurt by Gabby’s outburst, they didn’t hold it against her either. After he’d explained that she was just overwhelmed, they understood. Her parents had decided to give her a day to herself, letting her process things in her own time.

Reaching Gabby’s door, Playboy knocked lightly and opened it, stepping inside. He was surprised to see Clover sitting next to her, the two of them sharing a laugh. Gabby was sitting on the bed, and even though she looked exhausted, there was a light in her eyes that hadn’t been there the day before.

Clover looked up at him with a smile. “Hey, Playboy,” she greeted, standing up. “I was just about to head out. I’ll give you guys some time.”

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