Page 53 of Playboy

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Her team was still standing there. Tristan stepped forward. “You may not think we understand what you’re going through. But we know to an extent. But blocking everyone out isn’t the solution, Gabs, and you know that. If it’s space you need, that is fine. But don’t expect us to stay away. Believe it or not, we need you just as much as you need us.”

Then, one by one, each of her teammates stepped forward and hugged her before leaving the room.

But when the door clicked softly behind the last person, the sound of shoes scuffing the floor told her someone hadn’t left.

She didn’t need to look up to know who it was—Playboy. She couldn’t bring herself to meet his eyes, terrified of the hurt she’d see reflected back at her. She squeezed her hands into fists, keeping her gaze fixed on the floor. The silence stretched, heavy and thick between them.

He crossed the room slowly, his footsteps soft but sure. She felt the weight of his presence, felt the warmth he carried with him even though she hadn’t let herself feel his touch yet. “Gabby,” his voice was low, gentle, yet it tugged at the storm raging inside her.

Still, she refused to look up, her shoulders tense. But he wouldn’t let her stay hidden. He crouched beside her, his fingersbrushing lightly under her chin, lifting her face so that their eyes met. She flinched, feeling the surge of guilt rise in her chest as she saw the mixture of love and pain swirling in his deep gaze.

“I can’t even begin to imagine what you’re going through,” he said, his voice raw with emotion, “but I do understand to a degree.” He paused, letting the words settle between them. “I know it feels impossible right now, but people care about you. They want to help you.”

Gabby swallowed hard, her throat tight. “I just...I felt like I was suffocating,” she said, her voice breaking on the last word. “Everything is changing, and I don’t even know who I am anymore. This—” she motioned toward her leg, feeling the sting of reality, “it’s going to change who I am. I’m not the same person.”

He shook his head, not in disagreement but in reassurance. “Everyone’s damaged, Gabby. In some shape or form. None of us are perfect. But those flaws? They don’t define us. And this,” he gently placed his hand on her leg, “doesn’t change who you are.”

He moved closer, his hand resting over her heart, the warmth of his palm steadying the shaky ground she was navigating. “Remember what you told little Max at dinner a few weeks ago? You told him that what’s inside defines who we are. That beauty on the outside is just a bonus.”

Her chest tightened as she remembered that moment, telling Max that the world cared too much about what people looked like or what they did, but it was the inside that really mattered. Now she felt like a hypocrite for not believing it herself. Her eyes filled with tears she hadn’t wanted to shed in front of him.

He smiled softly, brushing a thumb across her cheek to wipe away a stray tear. “I know you need space, and I’ll give it to you. Some alone time might be good for you, but not too much,” he added, his lips curving into a teasing smile. “Because the truth is, I can’t stand being away from you for too long.”

Gabby’s heart twisted, torn between wanting him to stay and needing to be alone to process everything. She couldn’t speak, the emotions swirling inside her like a hurricane.

Before he turned to leave, he hesitated, his expression softening. “I promised your mom and dad,” he said quietly, “that I’d never walk away from you. I’ll be by your side through your recovery and into the future, no matter how hard it gets. I’ll always be here, Gabby.”

Her breath hitched as his words sunk in, a mixture of warmth and guilt swelling in her chest. He leaned down, pressing a gentle kiss to her lips, one that lingered, filled with a promise. When he pulled back, he brushed her hair from her face with tender fingers. “I’ll have my phone next to me,” he said softly. “If you call, I won’t miss it. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

Gabby watched him leave, the door closing softly behind him, leaving her alone with her thoughts. The room felt quieter now, but instead of suffocating, it was comforting. Her heart ached, but it was filled with something else, too—a sense of hope, fragile but real.

Laying back on the bed, she finally let her tears fall. She cried until she wore herself out and fell into a restless sleep.


“Did I do the right thing?” Gabby asked herself as she lay in her hospital bed. She felt a whirlwind of emotions—fear, anger, sadness, and a profound sense of loss.

After a restless nap, she had eaten dinner, which, for hospital food, wasn’t too bad.

Now, she lay there alone with her thoughts.

Had she been too harsh with her family and teammates? She wasn’t trying to be mean, but like she told Playboy, she feltas if she was suffocating with everyone hovering and making decisions for her. The only one who wasn’t was Playboy.

She picked up her stress ball from the table next to her and started throwing it up in the air as she tried to make sense of everything.

Suddenly, a soft knock on the door pulled her from her thoughts. When she looked towards the door as it opened, a nurse stepped inside. She was around five-six, with a curvy figure and an olive complexion that seemed to glow in the soft light. Her long, straight black hair was pulled into a high ponytail, and her big, beautiful brown eyes framed with thick eyelashes gave her an air of warmth and kindness.

“Hi, Gabby. I’m Selena, one of the night nurses here on the floor,” she said with a gentle smile.

“Hi. I don’t think I’ve seen you before,” Gabby said, sitting up in the bed.

“Oh, I've been out on vacation for the last week. And before that, they had me down in labor and delivery.”

“Well, that would explain why I haven’t seen you,” Gabby said jokingly.

Selena washed her hands and then approached the bed. “How are you feeling?” she asked.

Oh, wow. Now, that was a loaded question.

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