Page 105 of Playboy

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Playboy barely registered the president’s words as Tink took over. His voice was steady, resolute. “We’ve got her location. Gabby’s in Maria La Gorda, Cuba, being held at an estate owned by Ramon’s family.”

Playboy’s mind sharpened at the mention of Cuba. Of course, it had to be in fucking Cuba. The United States didn’t meddle in Cuban territory. There were too many political landmines, too much risk of creating an international incident. The government’s hands were tied. But then, Tink’s team wasn’t exactly the type to play by the rules.

Playboy’s gaze flickered toward Tink. He knew the kind of work his firm did. Their missions didn’t fall under any sanctioned authority. They did what was necessary, no matter what, to get the job done. They operated in the shadows, under the radar, and it was clear that this operation would be no different.

“We don’t follow the rules of engagement,” Tink said, his tone cold but resolute. “We don’t care about borders. And with the president’s,” he paused, glancing at Evans, “support, though he’ll deny it if this ever comes to light, we’ll go in, extract Gabby, and take down anyone in our way.”

Playboy looked around the room as the plan unfolded. The men and women here, all of them, Gabby’s teammates, Tink’s operatives, even he and his team, were all risking everything for this mission: their careers, their reputations, their lives. And yet, not a single person flinched.

His heart swelled with a deep sense of gratitude and respect for each of them. It wasn’t just a mission anymore. It wasn’t just about rescuing a fellow operative. It was about Gabby, the woman he loved, and they were all willing to cross a line to bring her home.

As the plan solidified, Playboy’s hope grew that they would reach Gabby in time and bring her home. They had to.


Gabby slowly emerged from the haze of unconsciousness, her head was pounding and her vision blurry. She blinked several times, trying to clear her foggy mind.

With a groan, she pushed herself upright, her muscles protesting with every movement as she surveyed her surroundings. The room around her was elegant, filled with ornate furniture and rich fabrics, but it was unfamiliar and unsettling.

Confusion clouded her thoughts as she struggled to make sense of everything that was happening.

“Where am I?” she muttered to herself, trying to piece together fragments of her memory.

With every ounce of strength she could muster, she forced herself to focus, to push through the haze consuming her mind.

She massaged her temples as she tried hard to remember how she ended up in this bedroom.

She recalled having lunch with Selena and them walking to the car. Gabby’s eyes widened as she remembered a car cutting them off and two guys jumping out. Memories of the incident suddenly came flooding back. She remembered fighting with the man. She was even getting the upper hand on him until he kicked her in the leg, causing her to fall and hit her head. It was then that everything became a little foggy. Whoever attacked her had to have drugged her because the last thing she remembered was being thrown into the back of a car.

She wondered what happened to Selena. Had she been hurt? Had she been kidnapped, too?

Her thoughts were interrupted when the door to the room creaked open, and a young woman dressed in a maid’s uniform entered, carrying a garment bag.

Don’t people know how to knock?

Gabby watched warily as the woman approached the bed, her expression neutral, and seemed almost sympathetic.

“Good evening, Miss,” the woman said softly, bowing her head. “I’m here to help you get ready. Mr. Escalona expects you downstairs for dinner in an hour.”

Gabby shook her head, wanting to ask a few questions.

“Who is Mr. Escalona?” she asked the maid.

The woman gave her a look as if asking if she was joking.

“You do not know who Ramon Escalona is?” the woman whispered as if she was afraid to say the man’s name out loud.

But then something clicked. That name did sound familiar.Escalona…she thought. Then suddenly, Gabby’s eyes widened, and she looked at the woman.

“Are you talking about Ramon Escalona, as in the Escalona Drug Cartel?”

The woman didn’t speak. All she did was nod. Gabby suddenly felt like she was going to be sick.

What in the hell did Ramon Escalona want with her?

As if knowing what thoughts and questions were going through her mind, the woman spoke up again.

“Mr. Escalona had you brought here because he says that you are responsible for his brother’s death.”

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