Page 36 of Identity Risk

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They both sat there for a long minute, staring into each other’s eyes, until Mac couldn’t take it anymore and pulled her into his arms.

“I’m angry with you, Jess,” he murmured against the top of her hair.

“Would you be less angry at me if I admit that I’m angry with myself,” she replied, mumbling into his t-shirt.

Her answer made him laugh. Jesus, she was too cute.

Jessie started to sit up, and Mac reluctantly let her go.

She turned to face him, and he reached out and cupped her cheek.

“Jessie, listen to me. Before we do anything else, let’s clear up a few things. First, you will never lose me,” he grinned as he caressed her cheek with his thumb. “Unless you get tired of my ass and send me packing, then I’m afraid that you’re stuck with me, sunshine. Got it?”

He watched her shoulders relax a little as she listened to him. Then she nodded.

He smiled. “Okay. Now, on to the next. Don’t you ever think that you are not contributing enough to our relationship. Do you hear me complaining?”

“No,” she whispered.

“Jess, I do things for you because I can, and I want to, not out of a sacrifice. I understand that our professions pull us in two different directions, and there may be a few nights we can’t be together. Will it suck? Damn right, it will because I want to be by your side every day.”

He took her face in his hands, cupping her tear-streaked cheeks. He leaned forward and rested his forehead against hers.

“I promise we’ll figure it out. I’ve told you before that I don’t really care where we live. As long as I am with you, I’ll be happy. We could even split our time between Florida and New York. Whatever we decide together, we’ll make it work.”

Mac waited for her to say something, but instead of words, she surprised him by closing the distance between them and kissing him. It was a quick kiss but filled with meaning. When she pulled back, she crawled onto his lap and straddled his body, facing him. She wound her arms around his neck and looked him in the eyes.

“I love you, Mac.”

He closed his eyes, savoring the moment and her spoken words. Pulling her closer to him, he brushed his lips against hers, teasing her soft lips with feather-light kisses. Before hemade another pass, she whispered against her lips, “I love you too, sunshine.”

They stayed like that for a while, just holding each other with the world outside forgotten.

Chapter Sixteen

Jessie stepped into the sleek, glass-paneled lobby of her firm’s headquarters. She felt a rare lightness in her step. The day and night she’d spent with Mac had lifted a weight off her shoulders. She was done with holding back and living in a world of “what-ifs.” It was time to embrace her life fully, which meant being with Mac, no matter the distance or the changes it might bring. He was right—she could run the company from anywhere.

She hadn’t spoken to him about it, but she had done a lot of thinking while she drove to work. She could stay on as Chairman and offer the CEO position to her Senior Vice President, Tony. It was something she’d considered before, but now, it felt right. She was ready to start a new chapter, one where she didn’t have to sacrifice her happiness for the sake of duty.

As she walked off the elevator and toward her office, her good mood was immediately challenged by the sight of Lacie pacing nervously in the reception area. Lacie looked up as Jessie approached, and the worried expression on her face made Jessie’s stomach tighten.

“What’s wrong?” Jessie asked, her voice tinged with concern.

Lacie bit her lip, her eyes darting around before settling on Jessie. “Cliff called a few minutes ago. He said he was sick—flu sick.”

Jessie blinked, processing the information. Cliff was supposed to be the face of the company at tonight’s gala, delivering the opening speech and representing their interests. If he was too sick to come into the office, he was definitely too ill to attend the gala.

“Oh no,” Jessie muttered, the realization striking her. “That means I’ll have to give the speech at the gala.”

Lacie nodded, looking apologetic. “I’m afraid so.”

Panic began to set in, making Jessie’s heart race. She hadn’t planned on attending the gala at all, let alone giving a speech. She didn’t even have a dress. “Lacie, I don’t have a dress. I wasn’t planning on going. What am I going to do?”

Lacie stepped forward, trying to calm her. “Jessie, take a deep breath. We can figure this out. You’ve got time.”

Jessie glanced at her watch and felt her pulse quicken even more. “It’s already ten. The gala starts at eight. I have to meet Mr. Ulrich at noon for a lunch meeting to discuss his family’s account with us. Now I’m finding out that I have to write a speech, find a dress, and somehow make myself presentable by seven to get to the gala on time.”

“Call and reschedule with Mr. Ulrich.”

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