Page 2 of A Trident Wedding

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What was he up to?

Chapter TWO

Ace was running around Bayside feeling like a chicken with its head cut off. Arianna and Campbell both approached him.

“Ace, you need to chill,” Arianna told him as she tried to hold back her laughter at seeing how flustered Ace was. It wasn’t often the Lt. Commander, and SEAL team leader got in a tizzy.

For Ace, it wasn’t a laughing matter. He ran his hand nervously through his thick black hair. How could he be chill when he was trying to pull off the biggest surprise for Alex? Everything had to be perfect.

“I can’t. I’m a fucking wreck right now. I feel like something’s going to fall through the cracks.”

Campbell chuckled as she stood next to Arianna with her trusty clipboard in hand. “Ace, I’m telling you, everything is spot-on. The room, table settings, food, and you name it, are all just as how you requested it.”

He took a deep breath and looked around the private room at Bayside. It looked stunning. He couldn’t have asked for anything better. Campbell was damn good at her job. She was a creative genius when it came to party planning. He had snuck into Alex’s wedding planning room at the house and had found a picture of a wedding rehearsal dinner that Alex had pulled from a magazine. He had given it to Campbell and told her to get the room to look as close as she could to the photograph. And damn if she hadn’t nailed it. She had made the space even more special by adding a few personal touches around the room, such as photos of Ace and Alex over the last two years.

His eyes went to the one picture that sat at the front of the room on an easel. It was his all-time favorite picture of the two of them. It had been taken in Afghanistan—the place where they met and their journey together began. One of the guys had captured the intimate moment when they weren’t looking.

He closed his eyes, remembering that evening. He and Alex had been walking back to their barracks when they stopped to witness the most stunning sunset he’d ever seen. Whoever took the picture had captured a moment that they’d never be able to recreate. She had been looking up at him as he had been gazing into her eyes. They were both smiling, while behind them, the sky was layered in yellow, orange, red, and blue as the day transitioned into night.

“I remember that night.” The voice behind him said and turned then smiled seeing Potter, his best friend standing there looking at the picture.

Ace smiled. “It was a sight to see.”

Potter smirked. “It looks like it.”

More of their friends and family began to file in.

After giving in to Campbell and Arianna and understanding that he had done all he could do, he walked over to everyone to greet them.

“What in the hell is all of this about?” Stitch asked as he scanned the room.

Others were making comments, especially the ladies. They were fawning all over the creativity that Campbell had outdone herself with.

Ace grabbed a beer from the bar and took a swig.

“Well, now that everyone is here. I would like to officially welcome you to Alex and mine’s joint bachelor/bachelorette party.”

He hid his smile when he heard all the gasps and saw the surprised expressions on everyone’s faces, except for Derek, who was aware of Ace’s plans. Ace had made sure to include Derek in all of the planning because specific components in both the ceremony and reception would be a tribute to Alex’s dad.

Skittles was the first one to say something. “How did you guys manage to keep this a secret?”

Ace grinned. “Alex doesn’t know yet. This a surprise for her.”

“Holy shit. I’m impressed. She’s going to love it,” Frost admitted as he smiled and congratulated Ace and for managing to keep Alex in the dark. The team was well aware of Alex’s ability to sniff out things.

“When is she supposed to be here?” Irish asked.

Ace looked at his watch. “In about thirty to forty-five minutes. She called a little while ago and said she was waiting for a phone call and then she’d be on her way. She thinks we’re just having dinner.”

Dino slapped him on the back. “Congratulations, man. It’s about damn time.”

Stitch walked over. “I can’t believe it. I still remember the day you and Alex met. The surprised look on both of your faces when you guys realized you were working on the same mission was priceless.”

Ace laughed. “Yeah. That had certainly caught me by surprise.” When he was told their Intel Analyst’s name was Alex, he had thought it was a guy.”

Ace spotted Derek standing over by the bar. He excused himself and walked over. Derek shook his hand.

“I have to admit, Ace, you’ve outdone yourself. This is amazing. Alex isn’t going to know what to think.”

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