Page 1 of A Trident Wedding

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Alex took the long path through the cemetery as she made her way toward the back where the memorial park for veterans was located. Many people might not consider a cemetery beautiful, but as she looked out at the rows upon rows of gravestones nestled beneath trees with blossoming flowers, it was like a landscape like no other. It was a garden of beautiful souls who had been laid to rest.

As she approached the stone bench, she drew in a deep breath. In front of her was a winter white gravestone with the American flag affixed to it waving in the gentle breeze. Inscribe were the words; always loved, never forgotten, forever missed.

She’d been coming to this spot since she was six years old, and it never got any easier. In fact, some visits were more difficult, such as today.

She bent over and brushed off the few leaves that had fallen from the tree above.

“Hey, daddy,” she whispered over the lump of emotion that had taken up residence in her throat.

She inhaled again before closing her eyes. It had been a few weeks since she visited. Ever since she moved back to town, she had made the time to visit once a week. But because of her hectic schedule, it had been a few weeks since she last visited.

“I really wish you were here right now. I’m feeling a little lost and confused and don’t really know who to talk to. I feel like everyone is moving on, and I’m stuck behind. I don’t know, maybe I’ve stretched myself too thin by taking on so much, and I’m feeling out of sorts because of the stress of it all.”

“You left me with a wonderful man who has raised me to be the woman I think you thought I’d grow into. Everyone always tells me how they see a lot of you in me. Every time I hear that it brings a smile to my face.” She smiled. “It’s funny that at times I can still hear your deep laughter.”

“The Foundation is thriving. I should be hearing any day now if the expansion project in Coronado is going to move forward. I know there’s been a lot of support for it. I wish you could be here to witness it all.”

“Everyone is doing well,” she smiled. “This will shock you—Tink found a woman. Though not the way he probably imagined meeting the woman meant for him. I guess that saying thatlove hits you when you least expect itis true.”

“I know I’ve told you a lot about Ace. He is such a wonderful man, and I know that if you had the chance to meet him that you’d love him too. He’s so much like you were—a badass with a heart full of love.”

Her breath caught in her throat as she became overwhelmed with emotion.

“I love him with all my heart, and I know he loves me too.” She paused. “But I’m starting to wonder if it’s enough. I feel like at times that he and I aren’t aligned, and we both have busy schedules, but…” her voice started to drift off. “I don’t know; maybe it’s just me feeling sorry for myself.”

“I’ve been independent for most of my adulthood, but the last two years, I’ve leaned on him a lot. We’re both doing wonderful things, but I wish we could just finalize our love for one another. I want to give him that part of me. I want to be his wife. I want to have a family.”

“I don’t want to be that person who walks away. I want to stand by his side because I’m so damn proud of him and what he stands for.”

In reality, she didn’t want to be her mom.

A breeze blew in, and she tilted her face up toward the sky and closed her eyes as the warm sunshine warmed her cheeks and dried her trail of tears.

In the distance, a bugle played taps. A sign that another soldier was being laid to rest.

She suddenly felt the presence of someone behind her. She looked over her shoulder and found Derek there. He was in his Type III uniform. She knew there were days during his lunch breaks that he would visit her dad. The day her dad was killed, Derek not only lost a teammate, but he also lost his best friend.

She scooted over to make room for him, and he sat down.

“I guess you heard all that?” she said with a small smile as she wiped the tears from her eyes.

“I did.” He took her hand and held it. It was comforting as they sat in silence for a few minutes.

“He loved you so much. You were the apple of his eye,” he told her as he looked toward the gravestone.

She stared straight ahead because she knew that she would burst into tears if she looked at him.

“You know that Ace loves you too, right?”

She looked at him. “I know he does.”

“I couldn’t have asked for a better man to ask you to marry him.” He snorted a small laugh. “Although, I still can’t believe you’re engaged to a SEAL.”

She smiled, then shrugged her shoulders. “What can I say. He was persistent.”

“He wanted something, and he went after it. And, you were right—your dad would have absolutely loved him.” He patted her leg. “Have faith, sweetie. I’m sure things will all work out,” he winked, and she noticed the slight twinkle in his eye.

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