Page 18 of A Trident Wedding

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Again, the tears started to build, and she couldn’t speak over the emotion she was feeling. These girls were just innocent bystanders in a screwed-up situation. It wasn’t fair to them. She then found herself hugging them back.

After a few moments, she pulled back and wiped the tears away, then looked at them and shook her head.

“First thing is first. How did you find me?”

The girls looked at each other. “Our dad told us about the Foundation you ran and mentioned that you were meeting with the board today, so we waited and followed you.”

Alex chuckled. “Okay. Let me wash my hands and then how about if we go sit outside and talk?”

Both of the girls smiled.

As Alex began to wash her hands, the room started to shake. At first, she thought she had imagined it, but when she looked up, and one of the large light fixtures fell, she realized it wasn’t her imagination. It was an earthquake. She jumped out of the way just in time as it came crashing down right where she had been standing. Kara and Kendra both screamed as the ceiling above them started to give way.

As concrete fell on them, Alex pulled both girls into the doorway. She pushed them both down to the floor and covered them with her body as a shield. There was so much noise as everything began to crumble around them. Her body took the brunt of the impact.

After seconds of complete terror, everything went silent. All that could be heard was the remnants of debris falling, water spraying out of the broken faucets, and car alarms sounding in the distance.

Alex tried to move but was met with a painful burning sensation to her upper left chest and knew something was wrong. But her first thought was the girls.

“Girls….are you okay?” She asked. She heard them both sniffling, so she knew they were alive.

“Kendra…Kara? Talk to me. I need to hear your voices.”

“I’m okay.” She heard Kara say.

“Me too.” Kendra followed up with.

She tried to move again, but something was sticking in her and preventing her from moving around. She lifted her hand and tried to feel what was around her. There was a lot of debris—concrete chunks, insulation, wires, and glass. She then felt around her chest area under her blazer. When her fingers hit a sharp piece of metal, she realized what had happened and tried not to panic.

“Alex, we need to get out of here,” Kendra told her.

“I know, sweetie. The problem is that I’m stuck right now.” She took a deep breath, and even that was painful. She wasn’t going to tell them that she was impaled. She needed them to stay as calm as possible.

“Oh, god. Alex, there is blood coming from under you,” Kendra told Alex, and Alex closed her eyes.

“Kara, reach into my right pocket and pull my phone out.”

“Okay. I have it.”

“Good, now type in 2team8.”

“What kind of password is that?” She asked, and Alex wanted to roll her eyes.

“Focus, Kara.”

“Right, sorry.”

“It's okay. Are you in?”


“Good, go to my contacts and find the name Tink.”

“Got it.”

“Call him and tell him where we are and that we need help.”

Without being able to see under her, she was worried about how much blood she was losing.

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