Page 15 of A Trident Wedding

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“Shit. So you haven’t heard what went down at dinner?”

Ace sat up, and it caught Potter’s eye too. “No. What happened? Is she okay?”

“Physically, she’s fine, but she ran into her mother at the hotel restaurant.”

Oh, fuck!

“How?” Ace asked.

“Apparently, she lives out there. She remarried and has two daughters.”

Ace knew Alex was probably devastated.

“Have you spoken with her?” Ace asked.

“No. Tink called me. He said that Alex went for a walk to get some air.”


“Exactly. Anyway, I thought you should know so when she calls.”

He wasn’t waiting around for her to call. As soon as he hung up with Derek, he was calling her.

“Alright. I’ll let you know after I talk with her.”


Ace disconnected the call and threw the phone onto the table. Potter raised his eyebrows in question.

“Alex ran into her mother tonight at the hotel.”

“You’ve got to be kidding me?” Potter stated.

“Derek said Tink called him.”

“Is she okay?”

“Don’t know. Tink said she went for a walk.”

Potter stood up. “Well, go ahead and give her a call. I have to get back to the house as well. I told Tenley I’d bathe the babies tonight.”

“Sounds like fun,” Ace teased.

As Potter started down the stairs, he turned back. “I almost forgot, and I have no idea what she means, but she said that you would know. But Tenley told me to tell you that the full moon tonight is better than the last one she saw.”

Ace had to hide his smile. “Tell her I said thanks.”

Potter just shook his head. “Talk to you later, man.”

“See ya.”

Ace was concerned for Alex. He picked up the phone and dialed her number.


Alex sat on the beach with her toes buried in the diamond white sand as she looked out on the horizon. The flaming orange sun slowly dipped into the water as the super moon rose into the sky. It was a gorgeous night with clear skies and a perfect seventy-five degrees.

She heard some shouting and looked to the left and smiled as several groups of men in their uniforms walked down the beach carrying zodiacs above their heads—SEALs in training. It was a large group, but she knew that half of them would be left standing and earning the famed trident pin by the end of their training.

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