Page 42 of Road's Betrayal

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“And you think that makes you a good person?” she asked.

Nikki shook his head. “No, I know it doesn’t make me a good person. I’ve done a lot of shit. Some of it I’ve enjoyed, others I haven’t, but when it comes to you, Dinah Evans, I have only tried to make your life a little easier, especially when it comes to what happened to your mother. My father is not a man who takes rejection well.”

“And I’m not a woman who has to stand here and listen to your bullshit,” she said.

She didn’t know when she had become a sounding board for people’s problems, or why they were willing to open up to her.

“Haven’t you ever been curious about who gave the order?” Nikki asked.

“Your father gave the order.”

“I know what he did, but someone else played the middle man.”

And with that, he climbed into his car, and she watched as he took off.


Road was pissed off. His anger had taken on a whole new level of rage, and he needed to get to Nikki and fucking kill him.

He thought he could send out little texts, giving him the runaround all day, and then at eight in the evening while he’d been on the way back to Dinah, he requested his presence in No Man’s Land. He was going to kill him, and he didn’t give a fuck what Brute said.

Climbing off his bike, he grabbed his gun and loaded it up, keeping it at his side. When it came down to a confrontation between himself and Nikki, he knew he would win. He was faster, stronger, and he’d faced a lot more than Nikki ever had.

All he had was whatever his father had given him. Road worked tirelessly for everything he had.

Nikki was already leaning against his car, and the lights from his car as well as from his own bike lit their path, otherwise it was in total darkness.

Brute had no idea he was meeting Nikki. Even though it had taken several hours for Faith to deliver their baby, they were both back at the clubhouse and doing well. He knew their son was already well-loved by the whole club. Not that he could blame any of them. From the brief glance he got, he knew Brute and Faith’s son was going to be a heartbreaker. From what he knew, they hadn’t named him yet, but they still had time to decide on a name.

“What the fuck do you want?” he asked.

All he wanted to do was commit violence, to end this feud, but Brute held him back. He knew the other man had a plan, and even though he didn’t agree to it, he had no choice but to follow orders. This was the last thing he wanted to do.

He kept hold of his gun.

“You need to end it with Dinah Evans,” Nikki said.

“Is that what this is about? You want to start giving me relationship advice? Fuck you, I’m not doing that.”

He tightened his grip on the gun and stared across at Nikki. He’d lost count of the number of times he’d wanted to kill the son of a bitch, and that hadn’t changed. Again, he thought about Brute.

Nikki smiled. “Okay, I get that you hate my guts, and I even accept it. I mean, who wouldn’t hate me, but—and this is the problem—you’re one of my father’s problems. Seeing as you decided to attack his businesses left and right, he’s asked not just for me, but others to look into the Evil Fallen Bratva MC members. More importantly, who they are associating with. Imagine my surprise in finding out you’re screwing with the very daughter of the mother you gave the order to scar.” Nikki laughed. “Kind of a prolonged karma, right?”

“We’re done,” Road said.

“Yeah, if you don’t end it with her, then she is going to become a target. There is only so much I can do.”

“Only so much you can do, because from what I can see, you do very little but bark orders and shit all over people. That is what you do, Nikki, because the truth is, you’re afraid of your father, and you’re terrified of him finding out you’re a scared little boy.”

Nikki raised his gun, but Road was already there, and loaded. Nikki’s gun wasn’t.

“You think I’m not doing my job?” Nikki asked. “Trust me, if it wasn’t for me, your club would be in ruins, and I am warning you, you don’t have what it takes to hit him hard enough. Not yet, and with where he’s going, you must play it careful. He’s gone to Italy, and you know what that means.”

Road did, but he kept glaring at the man opposite him.

“You know what this means,” he said. “And my father is going to make sure you pay, and if he even remembers whoDinah is, or more importantly, who her mother is, he isn’t going to stop until she’s exactly like her mother.”

Nikki was the first to put his gun away.

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