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Monty flies into the conversation, and I’ve never been so glad to be saved by the soul guardian and his unicorn.

“Get changed,” Theo tells me. “You’ll need protective gear. Nic?”

“On it,” she says.

He nods. “I’ll rally whatever troops can make the journey. Most won’t be able to travel to the Valley with its wards. We meet back here in five minutes, ready to portal.”

Five minutes? I’ll never get all the demon lovin’ off me. I need at least an hour, a dozen loofahs, a sea salt scrub, andoh my quantum physics, I realize we’re portalling to a realm where actual gods live when Nic shoves clothes at me. With her help, I change into a layered outfit that looks like leather but movesso much easier and without all the creaking. The black pants fit snug enough, easily allowing me to strap on a thigh holster for a blade.

“Silver,” Nic says when she hands me a dagger. “Guns would just piss off the gods, and any weaponry needs to be blessed silver. Don’t ask. If anything gets close enough to stab, we’re already in trouble. Your vest is crafted from the real-life version of Tolkien’s Mithril.”

“Like Frodo wore in the firstLord of the Ringsmovie?”

“Or in the book. Sure. But don’t use that comparison around Ora. Dwarves get testy about what you call their precious metals.” She hands me a jacket. “Put this on next.”

I slide it on, noticing metallic patches on the shoulders, elbows, and over the heart. “This more fantasy fiction stuff?”

“Celestial alloy,” Nic explains. “Nothing will get through that, although Theo will probably make you wear a helmet.”

“Whatever.” I’m excited he’s letting me go. Nauseous and terrified, but excited. “What’s the Valley of the Gods like?”

Theo walks into the suite before Nic can answer. “Impressive, solemn, and far too serious. It’s a resting place for the gods who have slept for centuries. Millenia even. Drink this.” He hands me a pink potion with a handwrittenDrink me, Valtag hanging from it.

I down it without even making an Alice in Wonderland joke. “So this realm must be super chill.”

“Hardly,” he says. “We’ll land in the only spot approved for a portal to keep from being killed on sight by the warriors who guard the Valley.”

“Badasses?” I ask. “Special forces?”

“Demigods,” he says while pushing potions into the utility belt Nic fastened around my waist. “Led by the king of the Viking undead, your friend Meg’s father.”

“What?!?” I realize my shriek was deafening when Monty flies backward and even Nic flinches. “Meg’s dad is a monster? My Meg? Romance-book loving, game-piece carving, always has paint on her clothes Meg?”

“Time to go,” Theo says.

“Is Meg’s mother there? Didn’t you say once you took her there?” Maybe. Or perhaps my perma-motion mind made that up.

“Yes.” He pulls me along. “Although I hope we don’t run into her. A god’s candle is the only way to kill us other than beheading. Well, she has one, and she won’t hesitate to use it.”

“Beheading? Is that a risk in this realm? Is Meg’s dad anoff with their headskind of king?”

“I’ll explain your friend’s complicated paternity later.” He points to the multiple bottles tucked into pockets on the utility belt. “The purple potions are for healing. You better not need them. The orange ones are magical grenades designed by Ora to toss and run or fly away before they go off. Youreallybetter not need those. Montejanus, stay close to her.”

“You strapped explosives to me?” I ask. “And Meg’s dad is?—”

I don’t finish my question before Theo plops a helmet on my head. The silver falls over my eyes, and before I can push it back, he grabs my hand and pulls me into the hallway outside the suite. We hurry toward a shimmering opening with Shadowvale looking weirdly normal with its plush carpets, crystal chandeliers, and gilded wallpaper on this side and an enormous valley complete with a sprawling castle on a hilltop on the other.

Towering peaks loom in the distance under a full moon. Lush green grass and marble temples cover the valley floor—so close that I could reach through and touch. It looks peaceful. Which makes theringof metal clashing against metal, distant roars, and battle screams all the more wrong. A soft breezeblows petals through the portal along with the scents of smoke, earth, and death.


I look over at Theo, trying to ignore the sounds of fighting. “Yes?”

“Stay with me, no matter what you see.”

I nod, swallowing hard.

“Promise me, Vicious.”

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