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But he doesn’t. Not with how he keeps leaving me. My chest burns as though I’ve swallowed his Brimstone fire. The ache reminds me of the vulnerable position I’m in.

At least he stopped tearing at my clothes.

Liar. I’m such a dirty liar.

I tug my wrists against the leathery bite of his tail where he binds me. Instead of freaking me out, his hold gives me a thrill. I want to push against him, to test the limits of this new possibility. Is that his heartbeat I’m feeling or is it mine? His tail is as warm as the rest of him, and when he tightens it, I squirm closer to his naked chest. Damn, is being tied up with a demon tail a kink I didn’t know I had?

He flashes a smirk with fangs. “If I’d known pinning you to the bed would have you submitting so fast, I would’ve done it the moment I brought you to hell.”

Oh no, he’s not winning this round so easily. “Of course you’d be down for a hate fuck. Guess you wouldn’t be expected to actually put in some effort with that enormous ego. Just wave your two dicks around?—”

He leans in, his nose grazing my ear, his breath a warm caress on my skin. His wings loom above me, the chill of his horns slides against my forehead, and I shiver. His voice is a rough purr when he speaks. “Oh, Vicious, this isn’t any ordinary hate fuck because you’re mine to keep. We’re mates, and there’s no way out of that.”

“Actually, there is. I kill you.” I flick my fingers, reaching for the blade Shadowvale’s sure to send since the castle and I have bonded to the point we hardly need words. “Easy fix.” A knife appears in my fist, and I twist to aim it at his tail.

Theo doesn’t flinch, doesn’t blink those scarlet eyes. Instead, he tightens his hold on my wrists, tilting his head and widening his fang-filled grin—his smile a dare. “Bringing weapons into foreplay? Kinky.”

“That’s not what this is about, and you know it.”

“Do I? Tell me, Vicious. What is this about?”

“What part of me trying to stab you makes you think now’s a good time for a chat?”

“It’s as good as any. Now what makes you think you hate me?”

I jerk my hands against his hold and curse when I can’t budge against his strength. This burning inside me makes me want to lash out, to hurt him as much as he has hurt me. Truth can cut as deeply as any blade. “You spin me up, make me believe things you don’t mean, and then you leave me.”

“Not this time.”

“Promises, promises. Turns out I’ve learned that coming from you, they’re nothing but lies. You wanted mating magic, Theo, and you got it. You don’t need anything else from me.”

“That’s not true.” He settles over my hips, and my body betrays me at the delicious warmth and weight of him. I widen my legs to make way for him.

He’s so freaking big. I forget when we’re bickering, fighting, and driving each other mad. Theo’s massive. Yet I’m not afraid of him. Hell, I’ve never felt so safe as with my demon. Or so pissed off that he makes me want him and then leaves.

He presses close, and pain ricochets through my heart. I hiss at the sting.

“What is it?” He drags his claws along the front of my blouse, further ripping the fabric as he goes. The sound comes too loud in the silence of the room.

“I liked this shirt.” My skin is too hot, my lab coat too tight, and I can’t breathe with the ache in my chest.

“Shadowvale will give you as many new ones as you like.” He trails his knuckles toward my breasts, and I whimper. Thathurts. “Fuck, Val. Why didn’t you say something?” He lets go of my wrists.

“About what?” The tension in his voice has me dropping the knife. Not that I could’ve used it anyway. Not with the way my arms have begun shaking. My vision narrows to him, spots dancing where solidness should be.

“You’re burned. Gods, what did my cousin do to you? I’ll kill him a thousand times over.”

“Burned?” My mind crawls, too slow to connect everything he has said. I blame lust. Theo’s like a drug I can’t get enough of. Withdrawal while he has been gone was a real bitch.

“Your skin is covered in blisters.” He releases my hands. “Tell me who did this, and I’ll end them, sweetheart.”


Arrogant asshole Theo is pretty damn irresistible. Unhinged Theo ready to end anyone who hurt me while being charming and kind to me? Sign me up for eternity.

“It wasn’t your shadow dick of a cousin,” I tell him.

“Then who did this?”

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