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“Dear heavens and baby mongooses,” she says. “Mongeese. Mon-goo-ses. Whatever. Just shut your eyes. Take cover, Monty.”

A blinding burst of light flashes through the room, making me wish I’d listened to her warning. Reginald’s shadows scatter, leaving his scrawny, shriveled demon form behind. He’s more claws than anything else, with stumpy wings and a crooked tail that’s been broken in at least a half-dozen places.

Seizing on the opportunity, I grab his one horn and toss him into the far wall. He slides down the stone with an awful squeaky, squelching sound. His head slumps forward, and all four of his eyes close, but his chest still rises and falls so I didn’t kill the bastard. Not that I would’ve cared much if I had. Except I need to add punishment to his already extensive debt for this little display against my mate.

I don’t care that she came here.

I don’t care if she provoked him.

No one touches my mate but me.

Speaking of my mate, she rubs her sternum like someone sucker punched her in the chest, and I’m tempted to pity her until she says, “Now who am I supposed to practice on? I didn’t see anyone in the other cells, and it’s not like I can ask the people you offered sanctuary to let me blast at them as target training.”

The short leash on my temper breaks. I cross the room in two strides and haul her over my shoulder so she’s tucked behind my wing, ass in the air and hair hanging down.

“What are you doing?” she shrieks.

“What I should’ve done the moment I finished fucking you. Locking you in our room, chaining you to the gods-damned bed, and burning all these fancy clothes so you’re stranded with nowhere to go, nothing to wear, and absolutely no way to escape.” I’m waiting for her to scream or hell, go limp in my hold. Instead, I get a kick of a stiletto heel precariously close to my eye. Guess I should feel lucky she didn’t stab me. I catch her ankle, and she squirms.

“Touch my wardrobe and I’ll cut both your dicks off.”

“And deprive yourself of the pleasure only I can give you? I doubt it.”


“Besides, did you miss the part where you’ll be chained to my bed?”

“You wouldn’t dare.”

“Before I saw you tossing sloppy magic shots at Cousin Reginald, probably not. But now? Vicious, I can’t wait.”

“Sloppy? I had him on the run until you showed up, waving your smugger than smug tail around like you had any right to be there.”

“In my dungeon, with my prisoner roughing up my mate—I hadeveryright.”

“Whatever. It’s not as if you’ve stuck around to treat me as your mate. Dump me in your dungeon. Take off again. Like you always do.”

The hurt in her voice? It cuts worse than the damn claw marks. She’s as light as a pixie hanging over my shoulder. One wrong move in that cell, and she could’ve fried herself, she’s so damn delicate. “I’m not leaving you.”

She snorts a very un-delicate snuffle worthy of a nickering gnome. “I’ve heard that before.”

I climb the stairs out of the dungeon, cursing the wards again as I slowly pass through them so I can teleport us back to the suite. With a glance at the soul guardian and a dodge of another kick by Val, I say, “Feel free to follow, Montejanus, but don’t come between me and my mate until we’ve worked this out between us.”

Whatthisis, I’m still not sure.

The little dragon shimmers, a flicker of bronze and gold over his chest and scales. In a flash of light, he and the toy unicorn I made sure Val won from the slot machines vanish, leaving me alone to deal with the hellcat I’ve set off.

I teleport to our bedroom and dump her outraged ass on the bed. Val tries to scramble off, but I circle my tail around her throat to pin her down, being careful of the bruises quickly blooming on her face. Not that she shows any sign of letting a few injuries stop her.

She thrashes against the sheets, only hiking her skirt higher to reveal those smooth thighs I’ve missed burying my horns between. “Let me up, you dickless bastard.”

“We both know you’ve proven that to be doubly untrue.”


“And yet you’re still mated to me.”

“A mistake I’ll undo as soon as I figure out how.”

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