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She shoots a ray of light at my head, one honed with an edge so sharp it could be an energetic blade.

Yeah, she means me. Her gaze shines with anger, her cheeks are flushed, and her breasts heave with her breathing as if she has run a mile. Gods, I almost forgot just how gorgeous my mate is. There’s a reason the cameras in her realm adore her. Except now a cut bleeds above her left eye, and four long red marks on her arm suggest she’s been clawed.

Reginald will suffer.

She sends another razor of light hurtling toward me, and I jump to the side to avoid getting my cocks fried.

“Miss me?” I ask.

“Hardly.” She lobs more magic my way.

Reginald’s laughter slithers through my brain.It seems she saved the worst of her temper for you, cousin.

“Get out of my head,” Val and I demand at the same time.

It appears you two might be mates after all,he drawls.

“Shut it, Reggie.” Val throws magic toward the shadow in the corner, but her aim’s off, and she zaps the overhead light. It sizzles and, with a crack of electricity, showers the cell in sparks before blinking out and leaving us in complete darkness. “Shit.”

Claws rake over my shoulder, and I hiss as pain radiates along my arm.

You failed to ward the cell to protect yourself, cousin,Reginald taunts.

“Theo?” Val asks.

“I’m fine,” I lie.

“Doesn’t sound like it,” she says.

I call on my magic, and a purple flame flares to life in my palm before I remember what happened the last time I summoned Brimstone fire around Val. I extinguish it the next instant.

“Do it again,” Val tells me. “But brighter so we can see.”

“Need I remind you what being poisoned felt like?” My voice comes out harsher than intended.

“Hardly,” she snaps. “I woke up with a hell of a hangover. Not that you would’ve known since you disappeared.”

Ooh, a lover’s quarrel?Reginald sounds delighted.

It has me clenching my jaw so hard my fangs grind together. “Care to use your magic now that we actually need some light?” I ask Val.

“I can’t.” She sounds as though she’s gritting her teeth too.

I’m not telling her thatnowis not the time for a tantrum. Not with Reginald in the room. “Try,” I suggest. “You were flipping it at me only seconds ago.”

“Short bursts,” she says. “Not a continuous glow.”

Reginald drags his claws along my wing.

“Fuck,” I say on a snarl.

“Hey, not my fault,” she says. “It’s not like I was meant to have magic in the first place.”

Frustration roils through me. “I wasn’t talking to you. I was talking to the shadow asshole who keeps clawing me.”

“Well, you should’ve said that.” Her voice lashes through me as viciously as Reginald’s claws. “Close your eyes.”

“Why? It’s already dark in here.” Yeah, I’m talking too fast and too cranky when I should be directing my fury at my cousin instead of my mate.

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