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Olivia’s eyes widen like she’s surprised by his movement.

Damek completely turns his back to Olivia and Violet. He steps between my cousins and me and he kisses me right on the lips. I’m so stunned that it takes me a few seconds before I remember to kiss him back.

Succubi and incubi are no strangers to public displays of affection—it’s quite common to see couples kissing and holding hands. I’m not surprised that Damek has caught onto this, but I know he’s not kissing me for any other reason than to show my cousins where he stands, and that’s with me.

When Damek pulls back, we are both breathing hard. I barely notice Olivia and Violet standing behind him, their mouths hanging open. The room has grown quiet—even the musicians have stopped playing.

The sound of a throat clearing has me turning.

“Prince Damek, I believe you had something you wanted to say?” Grandfather steps up beside us.

Damek nods as my grandfather hands him a cordless microphone. He reaches into his pocket and pulls out a small notecard—maybe it has a speech on it. But he looks at the paper, shakes his head, and then stuffs it back into his pants. He takes a deep breath and then holds the microphone up to his mouth and begins speaking.

“When King Bennett invited us here tonight, I wasn’t sure what to expect. I’ve met succubi and incubi before, but I’ve never observed your culture up close. And I must admit, I am disappointed,” he begins.

The room is so quiet now that you could hear a pin drop.

“I’m disappointed because for a species so obsessed with class, you are classless. The way you treat Maddie is disgusting. You call her ugly when she is the most beautiful one of you all.” Damek clenches his jaw as he speaks in a harsh tone that I’ve never heard from him before. “I am so proud to be marrying Madeline. I will be proud to call her my wife in a few short months. And if any of you dare speak ugly about her again, you can disregard any wedding invitations that are sent. Your princess is going where she will be appreciated and loved. She will be a queen.”

He passes me microphone back to my grandfather who takes it.

Everybody stares at Damek and I look up at him with a full heart.

Does he really mean all of that? But when he looks at me, I can see it. I know it’s the truth. He gives me another mind blowing kiss. Somebody behind us starts clapping—I’m pretty sure it’s my grandfather—but I ignore it as I kiss my fiancé.

When I moved in with my father and learned that I would have to choose a husband based on his political ties, I neverexpected to find anybody like Damek. I thought I would be marrying because of duty. But marrying him isn’t a chore. It’s an honor.



Getting on the plane to head home is significantly nicer this time around.

I consider my dad’s estate ‘home’ now. Before, I wasn’t certain I was going to stay. I mostly wanted to come to meet Julien and see what life would be like living with vampires. I was only on the plane with just my father, who I barely knew. This time, I’m with Damek. My fiancé.

It hasn’t been that long since that first plane ride, but so much has changed. I’m not the same girl I was back then.

Damek holds my hand, something he’s been doing with great frequency since my cousins started in their petty insults.

He squeezes my hand. “You’re really quiet.”

I scoot in my seat so that I can angle myself toward him. “I’m just wondering when you’re going to run away.”

“Run away?” He cocks an eyebrow.

“My family is,” I let out a sigh, “dysfunctional. Or maybe it’s justmewho makes them like that. You saw how they are with me. I figured you wouldn’t want anything to do with me after that.”

He shakes his head. “Your family…” his voice trails off and he hesitates like he’s not sure what to say. “Your family sucks.They’re downright rude to you. Your grandfather just puts up with it and your mom…” he shakes his head. “Where was your mom during our engagement party?”

“Mom has always been good at hiding.” It’s a needed skill in a family like mine.

“The point is, I’m not ever going to run away from you.” Damek’s voice grows softer. “Was it always like that?”

“I was an easy target.” I lower my head, not wanting to see his reaction. “I’m the one who is different. I’m the hybrid. Everybody else has a succubus mom and an incubus dad. And I know I’m not as pretty as my cousins, though it was sweet of you to stand up for me.” I finally dare to look into his eyes. “Thank you for that. Nobody has ever said such sweet things about me before.”

Damek runs his free hand through his hair. “That was messed up. You know it’s not normal, right? I don’t make fun of my hybrid cousins because they’re only half vampire.”

“Vampires are different than succubi and incubi.” I shrug, hoping to show him it’s not a big deal—even if itis. I’ve always hated the way I was treated. All I’ve ever wanted is to belong.

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