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“Aha!” she said, pointing at the screen. “That says everything.”

Brodie just continued to smile at her.

She shook her head. “Anyway. I need to head to Arran’s now. We’ve got another sitting for my portrait.”

He raised his eyebrows. “Sounds like a lovely way to spend a Sunday afternoon. By the way, is this a life portrait? As in, a nude?”

Liv let out a snort of laughter. “Yeah, right.”

He shrugged. “Don’t rule the idea out. That’s all I’m saying.”

“Okay. I’m going now,” she told him, wanting to draw a line under his teasing. “Hope things go to plan with Ben.”

“Thanks. I’m working up to asking him to go to the wedding with me.”

Liv grinned. “Nice.”

“Is Jayce going to be there today?”

“No. He’s with Jess.”

He gave her a knowing smile. “Bye, Liv.” He winked. “Hope your clothes don’t fall off during your sitting.”

Liv sat quietly, comfortable inthe silence as she watched Arran make his concentration face. He bit his lip, dabbing delicately at the canvas with a fine brush. Watching him created a sense of calm within her.

As he glanced over to look at her, as he frequently did during the sittings, something had shifted in his expression. She kept quiet, looking away, not wanting to disturb him when he was on a roll. She could read it now—when he became fully immersed.

It was almost a shock when he spoke. “Your eyes are so beautiful.” She glanced up quickly, and he was watching her, his brush no longer on the canvas. He swallowed. “I’ve often thought about how I’d capture your eyes.”

Her heart lifted into her throat, making her voice catch. “You have?”

He nodded.

Her spirits lowered again. “Though I suppose…that’s only normal for an artist.”

He hesitated, fiddling with the brush. “To be honest, I’ve only ever done that with you.” He held her gaze for a few seconds and Liv thought her heart might explode.

Clearing his throat, he ran a hand over his hair. “Do you want a drink?”

She didn’t want him to leave for the kitchen. She didn’t want anything to interrupt this conversation when he was saying these lovely things and making her feel like this. “No, thanks, I don’t need a drink just now.”Olivia Holland turning down a cup of tea? Red alert!She bit her lip. “How come you only think about paintingmyeyes?”

He seemed conflicted. “Yours are the most beautiful shade I’ve ever seen. I think of them as sea tones.”

She studied him as her pulse raced, peaking when he stood and came over to nestle onto the couch beside her. He took her hand silently, and she gave him a squeeze.

“That’s a lovely compliment,” she told him softly. “Thank you.”

Arran rested his head on the back of the couch, continuing to look at her and keeping hold of her hand. “It’s true.”

As he gazed into her eyes, all the feelings from that night on Skye resurfaced. The image of him grasping her red hood and holding her close.“All the better to eat you with.”She shivered with desire at the memory.

He frowned, shifting closer. “Are you cold?”

She shook her head, goose bumps erupting along her arm as he brushed against her.

His gaze penetrated hers, and it felt like he could read her thoughts. “What is it?”

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