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“I know, right?” she said, her smile lighting up her face. “The most coveted wedding venue in the area.”

His own phone buzzed, and it was Sam with the same news. Arran added the date to his calendar, tapping out a message to Jess to say that particular weekend was off-limits for any changes to their arrangements for Jayce. He couldn’t handle saying no when she asked, mostly because he jumped at the chance to have his son. But perhaps also because he didn’t like saying no to Jess either.

Liv was eyeing him.

“What is it?” he asked.

Her voice was wary. “Are you okay with all this?”

He frowned, glancing around the fort. “With allthis? I mean, fairy lights aren’t normally my thing. But they really set the place off.”

She laughed softly. “Not the fort decor. The wedding stuff. Does it make you sad?”

Arran hesitated. Nobody else had seemed to click that he harbored a little sadness. Not that he was sad in a big way; he wasn’t going to be a dick about it. This was Sam and Maya’s time and he wanted that for them. Plus, Elise’s feelings were more important than his, because her husband had died last year. His being jilted by his fiancée was hardly a big deal in comparison. But still, it meant something to him that Liv had noticed. “A little. But I’m so happy for them that I don’t really think about it much.”

Nodding, she held his gaze for a beat, as if she wanted to say more. But then she glanced at her watch. “I’d better head out. I’ve been in your hair long enough.”

She sat up, and he found himself disappointed that she was leaving. “I invited you into my hair,” he told her. “And you can stay in there as long as you like.”

Laughing, she crawled out of the fort and he had to avert his eyes to prevent his gaze from being drawn to the perfectly roundshape of her arse. As he emerged behind her, she ruffled his hair. “It is nice and soft in there. But I’d better head home.”

He followed her to the door, where she pulled on her jacket and Converse. She leaned in to kiss his cheek, sending an electric current down his spine.

“Thanks for your help today,” he said. “I couldn’t have gotten that portrait finished without you.”

She gave him a salute. “No problem, Sir Paints-a-Lot. Happy to oblige.”

Leaning against the doorframe as she exited, he eyed her. “When are we hanging out again?” He knew he shouldn’t ask. But not knowing when he’d next see her felt uncomfortable.

“I’ll text you.” She gave him a wave and climbed into her car. Arran couldn’t resist watching her right until she pulled off the driveway and out of his sight.

Arran eventually called it a night and got ready for bed. As he turned off the light and lay in the darkness, he wondered why his thoughts of Liv were intensifying. It was as if he could smell her scent in the air.

Glancing across the room, he realized her T-shirt was still there, drying on the radiator.I really should take it off there. This isn’t helping me any.

He stared at it for a few seconds, willing himself to get out of bed and lift it from where it hung. But he couldn’t bring himself to do it.

Inhaling a big breath, he let his mind wander into dreams of her as he fell asleep.



The tearoom door gave itsfamiliar jingle as she opened it, then glanced around for Maya and Elise. She spotted them waving from their usual table in the back corner.

“Good morrow, Miss M and Miss E. How are you this fine evening?” She hung her jacket on the back of one of the tartan-clad French-style chairs and took a seat.

“We are very well, thank you, Miss O,” Maya said, placing a scone on a plate and handing it over. “I’m afraid the tearoom is out of strawberry preserves; they have only raspberry available.” Maya rolled therinraspberryand popped her lips on thep, drawing a smile from Liv. Maya pursed her lips. “I’m afraid itjustwon’t do.”

Elise shook her head, smiling as she sipped her tea. She never joined in with their Austenesque routine, but it always made her smile. And making Elise smile was an extra-special thing these days.

The frilly-pinny-clad waitress didn’t even bother coming to take their order nowadays; she practically had it ready for them prior to their arrival every Wednesday evening. A massive platefulof scones and a pot of Earl Grey. Milk for Liv and Maya, and lemon for Elise.

“Right,” Maya said, pouring Liv a cup from the flowery teapot. “Down to business.”

A flare of excitement fired through Liv’s veins. This must be the moment when Maya was going to ask for assistance with the wedding planning.

Maya lifted her cup with an air of authority. “So. About you and Arran.”

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