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“Okay, guys,” he said, turning to the kids and rubbing his hands together. “Thank you all! Operation Marry Miss Holland is a big success.”

Jayce whooped loudly as he galloped round his cheering classmates, like a victorious knight on horseback.

Later that evening the fairylights twinkled around the edge of the fort, filling the area with a warm glow that matched the one inside Liv’s chest. The TV played quietly across the living room, visible through the open end of the fort.

She snuggled closer into Arran’s side and he tightened his arm around her, bending his head to kiss the top of hers. Jayce was lying sleeping on Arran’s chest, his little fingers curled around Liv’s index finger as he snoozed.

“I should really take him up to bed,” Arran murmured, the soft rumble of his voice soothing her cheek.

“Just five more minutes,” Liv said, letting out a contented sigh and taking a deep breath of both the gorgeous scent of Arran and the adorable smell of Jayce.

Arran’s voice was laden with love. “Okay, Aggie.”

She shifted her face to nestle into his neck, taking in the way he shivered in response. She eyed Jayce’s fist clasped around her finger, and her engagement ring shining on the same hand.

Arran kissed the top of her head. “When do you want to get married?”

She gave him a squeeze. “I really don’t mind. As long as I get to have you forever.”

He chuckled, rubbing her back. “Done deal. I was thinking about next year, maybe? Or the year after? I want to save up enough dosh to give you everything you want.”

She shook her head. “All I want is you and Jayce. But I don’t mind waiting if you prefer.” She lifted her head to look into his eyes. “Although I thought you said that long engagements were a bad idea.”

He smiled. “Not if they’re with the right person.”

Her heart practically glowing with warmth, she leaned up to kiss him. “I love you guys. Our wee family.”

He kissed her back softly. “We love you too.”

Jayce stirred, and Arran froze—a “yikes” expression on his face making Liv stifle a laugh.

“Okay. I’m going to take him up and get him settled,” Arran said, gathering Jayce close and managing to shift out of the fort and onto his feet like a pro. “You stay here and think about me until I get back.”

Liv chuckled. “No problem. Pretty much got you on my mind twenty-four seven anyway.”

He gave her a wink over his shoulder. “Good girl.”

He left the room to climb the stairs with Jayce in his arms, and Liv shifted onto her back to gaze at the fairy lights, utterly content with her brilliant lot in life. Plans were already afoot for their travel adventure with Jayce next summer, and for the first time ever, she felt she had things to look forward to. Gone was the dread in the pit of her stomach whenever she pictured a future with a man, and instead joy shone in her heart whenever she contemplated what was to come with Arran.

He came back down the stairs and into the fort, lying down next to her and tucking an arm around her middle, rolling her onto her side to look at him as he propped himself up on his elbow. He gave her a coy smile. “Hi.”

“Hi,” she said, unable to keep the grin off her face.

“Miss me?”

“Yes.” She gave him a kiss and then let out a contented sigh. “I can’t believe we’re finally together. After all that’s happened.”

“I know,” he said, kissing her forehead. “I feel like the luckiest guy in the world. I hate to say it, but at one point I thought this was never going to happen.”

Liv chuckled. “At one point? How about for bloody years, on my part.”

Arran frowned, cocking his head. “Years?”

“Yeah,” she said. “Or is this the wrong moment to confess that I’ve fancied you since we were, like, twelve years old?”

His mouth dropped open. “You had a crush on me for fifteen years?”

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