Page 60 of Silverton Shores

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She glanced at the clock, noting it was only nine-thirty. ‘I’m sorry, but I need to talk to you. Can we meet in the morning?’ Her voice was barely above a whisper.

‘Christ, Jess, I’ve got meetings first thing, can’t it wait?’

She locked glances with her nonno and found her Sabatini sass. ‘No, Salvatore, I’m afraid it can’t.’

A woman’s voice sounded but was swiftly hushed. ‘Is it really that important?’

Salvatore hadn’t even thought to ask if Chiara was okay. The bastard. ‘Yes, take my word for it, Salvatore, you’re going to want to know what I have to say.’

He huffed impatiently. ‘All right, okay, where do you want to meet?’

They agreed to meet at a small café near Jess’s apartment. And bright and early the following morning, with Nonno at her apartment looking after Chiara, she made her way there. Her mind was consumed with thoughts of what she was going to say. How was she going to tell him that he wasn’t Chiara’s father without him exploding?

When she arrived, Salvatore was already there, drumming his fingers on a table outside. She took a deep breath, steeling herself for what was to come, and sat down across from him. He looked at her expectantly, and she knew there was no turning back. She fidgeted in her seat, unsure of how to begin. The words were stuck in her throat and she couldn’t budge them. The silence between them was deafening, and she could feel the weight of his gaze on her.

Come on, Jess, you can do this!

‘Salvatore, there’s something I need to tell you.’ She cleared her throat and looked down at her clasped hands. ‘It’s about Chiara.’

‘What about her?’ he asked, his brow furrowed in worry and confusion.

Shit, come on, Jess, spit it out!

He leant forward, his dark eyes searching hers. ‘Jess?’

‘She’s not your daughter,’ she said, way too quickly.

Salvatore stared at her, his eyes widening in shock. ‘What are you talking about?’

‘I had a paternity test done, and it turns out you’re not her father,’ she said, her heart racing. ‘I was with Morgan two weeks before you and I met that night, and I wasn’t certain, when I found out I was pregnant, who the father was, and I was scared you’d leave me if I told you I was unsure.’

‘Damn straight I would have left you.’ His hands slamming down upon the table, Salvatore shot up to stand, glaring at her. ‘How could you do this to me?’ he growled, his voice spiked with hatred and anger.

Jess flinched at his reaction, but she knew she had to stay strong. ‘I’m sorry, Salvatore, but I had to know the truth.’

‘And what, you just decided to spring this on me out of nowhere?’ he said, his eyes blazing with fury.

Yeah, like you telling me we were over because you’d met someone else …

Jess took a breath. ‘I know this is a lot to take in, but I’m not the only one affected by this. Morgan has a right to know that he’s a father, and Chiara has a right to know who her biological father is,’ she said firmly.

Salvatore shook his head, his expression darkening. ‘You’re right, this is a lot to take in.’

‘I know, and I’m sorry. I needed to be certain before I spoke with you,’ Jess said, her voice softening.

He cursed at her, running his fingers through his hair. ‘You know what, I’m actually glad for this.’ He nodded, smirking. ‘Because it means I don’t have to pay you another single bit in child support.’ Then just like that, he sniffed, straightened his tie, and became poker faced. ‘Chiara’s been a total brat, and I’ve had enough of her upsetting Mariana, so take this as my exit out of her life, for good.’

‘Please, Salvatore, don’t take this out on Chiara.’ Jess’s heart stung. ‘She’s still the same little girl you’ve always loved. Nothing’s changed in that regard.’

‘Sheis notmy little girl, never has been, and never will be.’ He slapped ten euros on the table. ‘For the coffee, so I know I don’t owe you a goddamn thing.’ He paused, his eyes narrowing as he pulled something from his pocket and slammed it down, too. ‘Here’s her passport back, I took it for safekeeping, but I won’t be needing it now.’

Jess couldn’t hide her shock, or her contempt. ‘You stole it from my apartment?’

‘I didn’t steal it, I just borrowed it.’ He shook his head, smirking at her. ‘Don’t ever contact me again, you or Chiara, you hear me.’

With that he stormed off, leaving Jess sitting there in a flood of tears. Her instincts had been right; he had stolen the passport to stop her from taking Chiara to Australia, and not because he wanted time with Chiara but because he wanted to make his ex-wife suffer. It just showed how callous and calculating he truly was. And as for the mention of money and calling Chiara a brat when her little girl was far from one, it was as if he’d been waiting for a reason to bow out of Chiara’s life. In the long run, sad as it was, Chiara would be better off without him. Turning her gaze away from him thundering away, she caught eyes with the people at the nearest table. They couldn’t stop staring at her. Utterly ashamed, she was desperate to get out of there. But, worried her shaking legs wouldn’t carry her, she sat for a little longer, trying to compose herself. Wiping away her gathering tears, she took a deep breath, knowing she had to be strong for Chiara’s sake. The next little while was going to be tough, and her darling girl needed her. She was going to do everything in her power to bring only good into their lives from this moment forth. Pushing her seat back, she put the passport into her handbag and stood, squared her shoulders, shot the still-staring and now whispering couple a scowl, then strode away.

Opening the door to her apartment, she found Chiara sitting on the couch, cuddled up to Nonno and watching her favourite cartoon. Her mind raced with thoughts of how she was going to break the news without shattering her beautiful little heart.

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