Page 44 of Silverton Shores

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‘You owe me twenty big ones, Savage.’

‘Yeah.’ He was by no means a sore loser, so he flashed her a gallant smile. ‘It looks that way.’ He pulled his wallet out of his pocket and handed a twenty-dollar note over. ‘There you go, paid in full.’

‘Okay, thank you.’ She snatched it, and grinned. ‘My shout, what are you drinking?’

‘Just a mid-strength, thanks, Jess.’

She screwed her face up. ‘A mid-strength?’

‘Yeah, I’m driving.’

‘Oh, cool, okay then, come with me.’ And she grabbed his hand, dragging him towards the bar.

After passing Roberto and Shanti, cuddled up in a corner booth – they’d gone missing when the game of pool had begun – they arrived at the bar, and Jess ordered them both a drink. Morgan watched as she leant over the counter, her tight dress revealing a hint of cleavage. He averted his gaze, trying to quell the desire that was rapidly building inside him. Then, drinks in hand, they stood back, chatting about this and that, their conversation light and their laughter easy. After a little while, without a word of warning, Jess took his hand and pulled him towards the dance floor. He’d generally refuse a bout of boogying, but he wasn’t about to say no to Jess. The music was loud and upbeat, and the crowd was moving as one, swaying and gyrating to the rhythm. They found a spot near the centre of the floor and began to move together. His heart was racing as his body moved in sync with hers. At times, her beautiful frame was pressed against his, and he could feel the warmth of her skin through the thin material of her dress. Lost in the heat of the moment, he placed his hands on her hips, pulling her closer, and she giggled, the sound like music to his ears. Totally comfortable in each other’s company, they moved together to the beat, their bodies in perfect harmony.

As the song came to an end, Jess looked up at him, her eyes brimming with excitement. ‘Let’s get out of here,’ she said, taking his hand and leading him towards the exit.

Morgan was glad for the quick exit as the pounding bass and intermittent lighting was starting to wear thin.

‘Hey, Savage, are you heading out?’ the bouncer called from across the room.

‘Yeah, I think I’ve had enough for one night,’ he replied, not taking his eyes off Jess.

Yanking the door open for Jess, he followed her out, and it was only when he felt his first inhalation of fresh air that he finally felt as if he could breathe again.

She turned to face him with their hands still intertwined. ‘I had a good time tonight,’ she said, her eyes meeting his. ‘Thanks, Morgan.’

‘Me too,’ he replied. ‘But what are you thanking me for?’

‘Nothing, and everything,’ she said with a tender smile. She let his hand go and clapped hers together. ‘Now take me home, before I drink too much and make a fool of myself, again.’

‘Righto, sounds like a good plan.’ He looked back towards the door. ‘Should we go and let Shanti and Roberto know we’re heading home?’

She shook her head. ‘They’ve already gone. Shanti texted me when we were on the dance floor, to say bye and that they’d catch us tomorrow.’

‘Oh, well then, let’s go.’

As they fell into step with one another, she wrapped her arm into his. After settling themselves side-by-side in his Troopy, they made their way home and into their own beds, where Morgan carried the memory of swaying her across the dance floor into his sleep.



After mentally deep-diving into his life, and the secret he was keeping from Jess, for what felt like half the night, Morgan woke up to the sun slanting through his curtains and into his face. Grimacing against it, he sat up and tried to rub the sleepiness from his eyes. Turning his wrist, he read the time on his Fitbit – 8.23 am. Geez. It had been a long while since he’d slept past seven. He needed to get a shift on. There was no rest for the wicked around here. Today he had a chore list a mile long, and after he’d accomplished that he was going to head over to Annie’s to try and unburden his heart. And hers, for that matter. He knew he couldn’t keep this hidden from Jess forever, but the thought of being the one to have to tell her made him tense. She was the only person he’d ever truly loved, and the idea of losing her because of a secret that had nothing to do with him, although he’d kept it under lock and key, terrified him. It should be on Annie to deliver the news, but if she failed to do so he had no choice but to be the bad guy. He had to tell Jess, and before she went back to her life in Italy. He couldn’t keep living with this weight on his shoulders.

After making his bed, then grabbing his clothes for the day, he strolled into his ensuite bathroom and stared at the state of himself in the mirror. His face was rough with stubble, and his hair was a mess. He ran his hands through it and sighed. He needed a shave, a hot shower and some eyedrops for his red eyes. He turned the taps and waited for the water to heat up. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn’t shake the image of Jess from the night before. Her body pressed against his on the dance floor, the way her hair swayed with every movement, and the softness of her smile when they’d said goodnight. He’d be a madman to deny the attraction he felt towards her, but he also knew he couldn’t act on it. And that, in itself, was a massive feat.

Once the water was hot, he stepped into the shower and let it wash over him. He closed his eyes and let out a deep breath, trying to calm his nerves. Like listening to a sad love song on repeat, he couldn’t help but think of his and Jess’s past, and the love they once shared. It had been intense, passionate and all-consuming. But then life had gotten in the way, giving them a challenge to rise above, together, but instead they’d gone their separate ways. He’d always wondered what would have been if they had stayed together, but now, with the secret he was keeping, he knew their love might never be rekindled. It was too complicated, too messy. He had to focus on the present and the future, not the past. But to move forward, he needed a clear conscience.

As he lathered up, washed his hair, shaved his scruffy face, dried off and then got dressed for the day, he ran all types of scenarios around in his head. Good outcome: Annie finally agreeing to ’fess up. Worst-case scenario: Annie losing it and telling him to get out of her house. And there were a few in-betweens too. Whatever might happen, he had to face the music and deal with the consequences. As he cleared the staircase two at a time then made his way to the kitchen, the smell of coffee and the familiar melody of Darius Rucker singing ‘Wagon Wheel’ filled his senses, as did the gorgeous woman swaying her hips in time to the catchy tune. Jess was so caught up in her own little world at the stove, making herself a couple of fried eggs, she didn’t even notice him as he strode into the bright, airy room. She was wearing a simple T-shirt and cute little denim shorts with diamantés on the back pockets – and she looked breathtakingly beautiful.

Smiling to himself, he leant against the counter, watching her dance to the music. There was something soothing about the gentle clatter of utensils and the aroma of cooking food. It was like everything was right with the world, even if it was just for a moment. He couldn’t help but let out a soft chuckle at her carefree attitude. She’d been through so much in her life, and yet she still managed to find joy in the little things. It was one of the many things he admired about her. There was a lot to be said for optimism, and gratitude. And she made him feel both, in spades.

‘Morning,’ he said, finally getting her attention.

‘Oh crap.’ Jess spun, spatula in hand. ‘I didn’t hear you come in.’ She smiled at him. ‘Good morning.’

‘I gathered.’ Morgan grinned back at her. ‘You’re nice and chirpy, you have a good sleep?’ With his galloping heart reaching for her, he fought to keep his voice steady.

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