Page 43 of Silverton Shores

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It was a typical Friday night, and the place was packed with the same people, doing the same thing – standing three deep at the bar as they waited for drinks. Almost every person in here knew him on a surface level and only a handful knew him inside out. He liked to keep it that way. He scanned the room, but Roberto was nowhere in sight. Maybe he’d nipped to the little boys’ room. He’d find him soon enough. Until then, he’d hold off grabbing a beer because he wanted to shout Roberto whatever his mate was drinking.

Finding a dark, quiet-ish corner, he rested his back up against the wall and enjoyed his view from the sidelines. Gyrating bodies bopped and swayed to the beat of the country music. Some had rhythm, and, by god, some had two left feet. A disco ball spun overhead, and coloured lights flashed in time with the beat, showering their smiling faces with shards of flittering light. But, other than keeping an eye out for Roberto, he was searching the sea of faces for only one other. Unable to spot her in the huge room, packed with people, he took a deep breath, watching the chaos around him. It was overwhelming, but he was used to it. He’d grown up in this town, after all. He’d been coming to this tavern since he was old enough to drink. But it had been a few years since he’d been an eager participant in the Friday-night festivities. He was snapped out of his thoughts when he heard a familiar voice call out his name. He turned to see Roberto weaving his way through the crowd, two beers in hand.

‘Hey, mate, sorry I’m late,’ Roberto said, handing over a beer. ‘I had to stop by the house and grab my lucky hat, which, thankfully, wasn’t ruined when our house flooded.’

‘Thanks, buddy.’ Morgan chuckled, taking a swig of beer. ‘You and that hat,’ he said, shaking his head.

Roberto laughed. ‘Hey, don’t knock the lucky hat. It’s gotten me out of some tight spots before.’

Morgan grinned. ‘I won’t argue with that.’

They clinked their bottles together in a toast and took a sip. And as they stood there, catching up, Morgan’s eyes wandered around the room. Still no sign of Jess. He wondered if she’d even arrived yet. Just as he was about to suggest they go have a game of pool, Roberto excused himself to take a phone call. It was then that Morgan heard a laugh that he recognised all too well.

Turning his head in the direction of the sweetest sound, he saw her.

His Jess.

Looking sexy as hell.

Her head tipped back, she was laughing, and the bloke across from her was ogling her like he was about to pounce. Jealousy raised its ugly head and his temper flared when the bloke hooked his arm around her waist and pulled her close. Laughing, she shoved him away. But her admirer wasn’t about to give up his discourteous attempts, instead trying again but at the same time spilling his beer down the front of her. Although Morgan and Jess weren’t together, to him, protecting her felt as natural as loving her. Over his dead body would he stand back and watch such disrespect happen. Muscling his way through the throng, he called her name when he was a metre from her.

She swung around, and her face split into the biggest of smiles. ‘Oh my god, Morgan, what are you doing here?’

‘The same thing as you.’ He shot the offensive bloke a look of warning.

The young jackaroo looked taken aback but quickly recovered, offering a hand. ‘Hey, man, I didn’t realise she was taken, sorry ’bout that.’

Morgan took his hand but gave him a firm shake, making sure the bloke knew he meant business. ‘Well, now you do.’

Jess sidled up to him, wrapping her arm around his waist. ‘Thanks for the save, Savage, but I can handle myself, you know.’

Morgan’s gaze softened as he regarded her. ‘I know you can, but I stepped in to make sure you don’t have to.’

‘Well, thank you.’ She smiled up at him, and Morgan felt as though his heart was about to burst out of his chest.

‘I’d forgotten how fun this place could be,’ she called over the thump of the music.

‘Yeah.’ He couldn’t help but chuckle at her high-spirited face. ‘It certainly looks like you’re enjoying yourself.’

‘Hey, Morgan, how goes you?’ Shanti appeared and threw her arm around him.

‘Hey, Shanti, I go pretty good, how about you?’

‘Me.’ She prodded herself in the chest. ‘I’m fantastic.’ She glanced around. ‘Where is my husband-to-be?’

Morgan leant into her space. ‘He’s taking a call outside.’

‘Ahh, I’m going to go look for him.’ She glanced at Jess. ‘I’ll be back.’ And off she went, jiving from side to side as she did.

Laughing at her best friend, Jess then turned her attention back to him, and took a tentative step closer, her cheeky smile filled with her Sabatini sass. ‘Want to go head to head in a game of pool?’

‘Sure, why not.’

‘Great.’ She clapped her hands together. ‘Twenty dollars says I’ll whip your jean-clad butt.’

Morgan loved her vivaciousness. ‘You’re on.’

Half an hour later, leaning over the pool table, Jess slid the cue back and forth as she tried to line up the ball. Then, with her bottom lip clamped between her teeth oh so cutely, she took her shot. It fired across the green felt and hit its mark, slaying the second ball sideways and into the netted pocket. Bystanders erupted in cheers. Morgan’s pride took a beating.

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