Page 24 of Silverton Shores

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If only she could continue to do just that.

* * *

Morgan heaved a sigh as he kicked off his boots and stopped to smell the proverbial roses. For the first time that day, Teeny left his side and wandered over to his rug, slumped down and was asleep in seconds. Meandering over to the railings, he leant against the banister. If wishes were horses, his property would be full of them. One day, when he was able to survive wholly and solely off his blood, sweat and tears, he would give up his job as a pilot. For now, though, it was a work in progress. Looking over to the cottage, he thought back to his chance encounter with Jess that morning. The sudden appearance of her in that shiny jet-black bikini had stopped him dead in his tracks, and at the same time rendered him speechless. He just thanked the powers that be that he’d had a few seconds to catch his breath, and find his voice, before her eyes had met with his. She really was one hell of a sexy woman.

Straightening, he thrust his hands deep into his pockets. What to do? Stay here, and think about her all night long, like he had been lately, or head on over there and spend an hour or two in her company so he could get his fill of her? The latter sounded much more appealing. And why not, they were friends, weren’t they? Sinking down on the day bed, he rested back. He’d give himself ten more minutes of chillax time, then hit the shower and head on over to the cottage.

What felt like hours later, showered and clutching a bottle of wine from his collection, he watched the cottage door swing open and Jess’s pretty face met him.

Judging by her wide-eyed stare and the way she was gathering her robe in tight, she wasn’t expecting a visitor, especially him. ‘Hey, Morgan.’ Candlelight flickered behind her.

‘Hey yourself, sorry if I’ve interrupted you, but …’ He held the bottle of wine up. ‘I’ve been saving this little beauty for a special occasion and given the fact it’s all the way from Chianti, I thought you might like a glass.’

She paused for the briefest of moments, then smiled. ‘It’s Friday night, so why the heck not?’ She pushed the screen door open and stepped aside to let him in. ‘Come on in, you know your way around.’ She gestured towards the hallway with a tip of her head. ‘I’ll just go and make myself decent while you pour us each a glass of vino.’

‘Sounds like a plan.’ Norah Jones’s voice filled the cottage. ‘And nice choice of music.’

‘Yes.’ She stopped mid-step and looked to the stereo. ‘Her voice always relaxes me.’

‘Me too.’ He raked a hand through his damp hair.

Turning to face him again, she lifted her gaze, meeting his, seemingly oblivious to the effect she was having on him.

Or was she?

He couldn’t quite tell, but the way she bit her bottom lip, the way her eyes lingered on his, made him think that maybe shewasaware of the chemistry between them.

Clearing his throat, he tried to shake off the feeling, and gestured towards the kitchen. ‘I’ll be in yonder, sorting this out.’ He held the bottle up. ‘See you there.’

‘Groovy, back in a sec.’ And off she sashayed, her hips gorgeously swaying and her hair hanging freely down her back.

He couldn’t stop staring at her as she walked away, admiring how her body moved so effortlessly. He felt a sudden urge to grab her and kiss her, but he knew he had to control himself. A rush of heat filled him with just the thought of acting wild and reckless. If he were allowed to get his hands on her beautiful skin right now, they’d be in a world of uninhibited, unadulterated, euphoric pleasure. Instead, he walked to the kitchen, struggling to calm his racing heart and growing desire as he poured the wine into two glasses. Her soft footfalls approached minutes later and as she entered the kitchen, he handed her the glass. They clinked them together before taking a sip, then stood there for a moment, just enjoying each other’s company and the hypnotic music filling the air.

Clothed in a slinky ankle-length dress, Jess leant against the counter, crossing her ankles and taking another sip of her wine. He couldn’t help but notice how the soft silk clung to her curves, accentuating her body in all the right places. He took a deep breath, trying to push the thoughts of how he wanted to feel those curves against his body out of his mind. But when he caught her looking at him from beneath her lashes, he knew it was impossible. She knew exactly what she was doing to him, and he couldn’t help but feel grateful for it. Unable to hold back any longer, he set his glass down, taking a step towards her.

‘You know …’ he said, his voice low and husky. ‘You look absolutely stunning tonight.’

She smiled, a coy look in her eyes as she took another sip. ‘Why, thank you. You’re not looking so bad yourself, Savage.’

He chuckled, his hand reaching out to brush a strand of hair from her face. ‘I’ve been thinking about you all day,’ he confessed, his voice barely above a whisper.

Her hand reached up, gripping his shirt as she pulled him closer. ‘Well, don’t stop now,’ she murmured, her lips parting slightly.

There was no more of an invitation needed.

He leant in, his lips hovering over hers as he savoured the moment before finally closing the gap between them. Their kiss was electric, filled with raw passion and years of pent-up desire. His hands found their way to her hips, pulling her closer as she melted into his embrace. Then they broke apart, both gasping for air, their eyes locked onto each other’s.

‘I want you,’ he whispered, his voice laced with urgency.

‘I want you too,’ she replied, her fingers fumbling with the buttons on his shirt.

They stumbled towards the bedroom, their hands exploring each other’s bodies as if it were the first time. Clothes were discarded, and the soft glow of the candles cast shadows over their entwined bodies. He revelled in the feel of her skin against his, the way she moaned his name as he kissed her neck. Their lovemaking was hungry and uninhibited, each touch igniting an inferno between them. And as they climbed to the peak of ecstasy, they clung to each other, trembling and moaning as they reached the erotic heights of bliss. Sated, spent, satisfied beyond belief, he tried to fight the exhaustion that was creeping up on him, not wanting to lose contact with her, but the pull of sleep was too strong, and he succumbed.

And that’s when he woke, in the dark, on the day bed, at his homestead, hungrier for Jessica Sabatini than he’d ever been. Damn him for falling asleep. And damn his dreams for taking control over him. No matter what he did, no matter how much he fought it, she lived in his heart. He had to find a way to get over this insatiable need for her. Sooner rather than later.

Or he was going to find himself in a world of trouble.


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