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She arched her back and dug her heels into the back of my thighs as her orgasm ripped through her and squeezed my cock in a vise grip. “Oh. My. God.”

I pounded harder and deeper until my spine tingled and my balls pulled up tight seconds before I came fast and hard, filled her up until my body went slack. “Vick,” I gasped and kissed her neck and her jaw before I captured her mouth and kissed her until my cock grew hard again.

“Wow,” she grinned and gripped my hair, kissing me with so much passion I knew I wouldn’t stay far from her until the sun came up.

Chapter 3


Present Day

“You worthless fucking trash bag of a human being, can’t you do any-fucking-thing right?” Alex, my husband, roared at me from his spot at the head of the dining room table. He was in a rage, as he usually was. Tonight’s sin was that his medium rare steak was too medium and not enough rare, but it really was just a pretext for his hate, his unhappiness with his life and a bunch of other shit that didn’t matter, especially when he flung a full plate of food at my head. “Why do I even keep you around?”

I simply stared at him without saying a word. After almost four years of marriage, I knew the routine. He didn’t actuallywantan answer and anything I said would only make things worse. His anger was always directed at me, not my daughter Ashlyn which was the only saving grace in this whole fucked up situation.

Alex grabbed me by the arm and yanked me off the chair. He squeezed and I clenched my jaw shut, which only made him squeeze harder until he got a reaction. I cried out and there it was, that flash of satisfaction that I’d seen many times over the past few years, that look that made me hate him more with every passing day. “Oh shut the fuck up or I’ll give you a reason to cry.”

I bit back another yelp when he squeezed so hard his thumb hit the bone. One lone tear slid down my cheek, but Alex didn’t see it and his anger intensified. I wisely kept my mouth shutand swallowed down the sounds of pain that threatened to break free.

“Stupid bitch,” he spat out and shoved me so hard I lost my balance and I fell to the floor. “Stay there,” he barked at me. “That’s where you belong, on the floor like the dumb little bitch you are.”

God how I hated this man. Hated how he’d been my ideal of the perfect man when we met, used it to reel me in and waited until it was too late to escape before he revealed his true self to me.

My sweet little five-year-old, Ashlyn, rushed over with her big gray-blue eyes filled with fear. I hated that she had to witness this yet again. I’d tried to leave, to get us away, but it was impossible, he controlled every aspect of my life. “Mommy!” She rushed towards me, but Alex stopped her before she reached me. “Daddy Alex, no! You hurt her!”

His attention shifted to Ashlyn, his angry expression darkened as he dropped down on his haunches, so he and Ashlyn were eye to eye. “Are you scared,” he asked in the soft voice he sometimes used on her.

Tears brimmed in her eyes as she nodded and flicked a worried gaze in my direction.

Alex grabbed her chin and turned it to force her to face him, a wicked smile spread across his face. It was a smile I knew well because it was the one he wore when he was happy and that was usually when he was beating me. “Good.” He stood and backhanded Ashlyn, the force of it was so strong that she flew across the room before she fell in a sickening thud.

My sweet little baby girl lay there, whimpering and trying hard not to cry. The wind was knocked out of her and the terror and pain in her eyes was too much for me to bear. Alex laughed, a chilling sound as he crouched over her.

“It’s time for you to get disciplined,” he growled. “Or you’ll end up a useless piece of garbage just like your mother.”

He raised his hand to her again and I saw red, running forward with all my strength as I pushed him away, “Run, Ash. Go to your bedroom and stay there,” I’d just got the words out when he turned to me. His eyes wild with hatred. As his hand came out to grab me, out of the corner of my eye I saw my little girl running up the stairs.

“Fucking bitch,” he spat out as his hand went around my neck. I felt his fingers tighten as they started to squeeze. This couldn’t be how it ended, I tried struggling but I was no match for him. My mouth opened, but no words came out, instead I gasped as the air was cut off.

“That’s right bitch. You don’t do anything without my permission. I can end you right now, I can end your fucking bastard daughter too.”

My vision started to break up and I was seeing black dots. I knew this was it, this would be the night he finally killed me. My thoughts went to my daughter, I had to save her, my arms were flailing as his hand squeezed tighter. Alex’s voice was in my ear taunting me, I could hear his sadistic laughter ringing out. I thrashed out, the movement almost involuntary as my body screamed for oxygen and my fingers caught an object. They tightened and I brought my hand down, crashing whatever it was I was holding against the side of his head.

All of a sudden, the pressure released, and I stood there gasping for breath as the room was spinning. Everything was still… silent. Then I looked down, Alex was on the floor at my feet, a trickle of blood running down his temple. My eyes went to my hand and the glass heart I was holding. ‘Cardiologist of the Year’, it said, it was ironic that someone who took care of others’ hearts was lacking in one himself. He displayed the award where it would be seen by the most people on those rare occasions he entertained at the house, bragging as if it was an award given to him by his peers. He paid for that recognition, but you’d never know it by the way he behaved. Suddenly reality came crashing down and I dropped the award on the floor. Alex wasn’t moving.

Oh god had I killed him?

I stood there trembling, looking down at him, waiting for him to jump to his feet and beat me to death.

“Mommy,” Ashlyn called out from upstairs, her voice pulled my gaze from Alex’s limp body.

“It’s okay sweetheart, Mommy’s okay. You just stay in your room for a little bit longer, can you do that for me?” My voice was shaking but I tried to keep it light and breezy for my daughter. All the while watching Alex. He was still face down on the dining room floor, his hands and feet hadn’t moved at all, and he hadn’t made a sound. “Alex?” His name came out barely above a whisper, a testament to just how worried I was about my punishment if he woke up before we managed to get away.

Alex had threatened me and set me up a few times in the past just to make it clear how well and truly he had me under his thumb, so I moved forward with caution. “Alex,” I whispered and drew closer. I shoved his foot with mine and held my breath.

He didn’t move.

Another step forward and I shoved my toe into his side, hoping to rouse him just enough to soothe my conscience. But he didn’t move and when I took that last step forward, I saw the blood around his head. It wasn’t surprising, as he’d told me many times over the past three and a half years of hell, head wounds bled a lot, but it was more than a lot. “Alex, wake up,” I whisper-shouted and bent over to find his pulse.

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