Page 31 of Slate

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I held up both of my hands to stop her lecture. “Yeah, I know. I knew even before he started to suspect. If you could see him and Ash together, god it’s like they already know they’re family.” They were so damn cute together that I felt guilty for keeping them apart all these years. “I just have to tell him and cross my fingers that he wants to be part of her life.” It would be too much to expect him to want to be with me after because I’m a liar.

“You deserve good things too, Em.”

I shook my head. “I’m starting to believe that but, fuck Sara. This man is protecting me and trying to give me back some of the life Alex stole from me. He’s making me feel hopeful and beautiful and desired, and all this time I’m lying to him.”

“He might get mad,” she offered slowly. “But he won’t hit you. He might freak out because it’s a lot to take in all at once, but he won’t be cruel. And if he is, come to me.”

It wasn’t that easy. If Slate took it badly then he could tell Sheriff Cross what happened and have me locked up so he could have Ash forever. Without me. But I couldn’t say that to Sara. “I really don’t want to bring you into this if I don’t have to.”

“You brought him into it thinking he was a random stranger, and you still haven’t said why.” Her gaze narrowed suspiciously in my direction.

“And I won’t say. Consider it a gift from me to you, baby doll.” This was probably the first time in our friendship that we had secrets, and I didn’t like it, but it was necessary.

“Whatever happened, I am so damn glad to have you back. I’ve missed you so damn much.”

“I know,” I began. “And I’m sorry but it was just easier after a while. He got so riled up after we spent time together and it was just… bad.” I shuddered as I thought of the beating that came after the last time I saw my best friend in person, over a year ago.

“How bad?” Her nostrils flared and her gaze darkened. “If he’s not dead, I’ll kill him.”

“It was really bad. I ended up in the ER but I’m okay. Now.” Because Alex would never pose a physical threat to me ever again. A threat to my freedom? That part was still up in the air.

“You did what you had to, Em. I get it. I’m just glad you fought your way out of that hell so we can see each other. And I’m eager to spoil Ash again.”

That brought a smile to my face. “She’s going to be so happy to see you again, she’s missed her Auntie Sara.”

“We’re totally going to do a girls weekend without stinky old Mommy as soon as we can.”

“Gee, thanks. I’m really feeling the love Sara.”

“You know I love you,” she laughed and squeezed me tight. “I expect daily updates, every other day at the absolute maximum. Yeah?”

I hugged her back. “Yeah. I promise.” Leaving felt bittersweet even though too much time had passed since we were last together like this. It felt like this might be the last time and I hated that feeling. A lot.

“Drive safe and text me that you’re home safe. Love you!”

“Love you,” I called back, my voice suddenly more subdued.


The road back to Slate’s place was familiar and I was lost in my thoughts and fears as I drove to his house, wondering how he would react to the news. I’d decided that tonight was the night I’d come clean and tell him about Ashlyn. In my worst fears he’d kick me out and threaten custody and I refused to even give too much credence to my daydreams.

A car approached me too quickly from behind and then flashed their high beams. I was prepared for a quick blink of the lights, not a constant beam blinding me as I drove through one intersection after the next.

“What the fuck,” I shouted to no one in particular as I gave the car more gas, hoping to put some distance between me and the angry driver. I made the mistake of flipping on my indicator light before merging into the next lane and they followed me.

The second time I went quickly without signaling but still the driver stayed behind me, blinding me the entire time. My heart pounded so hard against my chest that I was breathless, and I gripped the steering wheel tight enough that my knuckles ached.Just let me make it back to Ashlyn, I thought as I pressed my luck right along with the gas. There was something too insistent about this driver, I’d heard of road rage and drivers going crazy, but this seemed personal. I glanced at my purse, I had my phone in there, but I couldn’t risk stopping to call Slate, neither could I take the risk of calling while driving as I needed my full attention on the road. It didn’t matter what I did, the driver stayed on my ass and there was nothing I could do—safely—to get away from him.

Resigned to my fate, I slowed down to a safer speed and flipped my mirrors so I could see the road. With a death grip on the wheel, I braced myself for any impact except it didn’t come. Somehow, I made it all the way back to Slate’s driveway in one piece.

My heart continued to pound, and I kept a firm grip on the steering wheel as I just sat there. For several long minutes I sat there and stared at a spot just in front of the windshield. My mind felt blank as terror skated over my body.

Someone was trying to hurt me, and I had a pretty good idea who it was.

But how?

A knock on the window startled a scream out of me so loud that it echoed inside the car. I turned with balled fists ready to strike or fight at the dark figure that looked large and decidedly male. My heart raced even faster, and it took my mind a minute to register that the dark figure was Slate. He stared at me with his dark brows dipped in concern and worry clouded in his eyes. “Slate.”

He motioned for me to step out of the car, and I nodded my agreement.

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