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“Sure you can. Give him a fake name, screw his brains out and wake up tomorrow feeling better about yourself.”

That sounded good, the feeling better part. “But isn’t that kind of, you know, callous? I can’t just use him for my own needs.”

“You think he’s not getting anything out of sex and orgasms with a beautiful woman?”

I wasn’t beautiful by anybody’s standards, but I appreciated the sentiment. “Okay,” I sighed. “I’m doing this. I’m doing this,” I said to urge myself to get to my feet.

“Go get ’em tiger, and remember, the goal is fun and orgasms.Justfun and orgasms.”

I got to my feet and nerves made me wobbly in my bright red stilettos, but I shook it off and made my way to the bar, and the man with the dark hair and tattoos. “Hey,” I said shyly, keeping an empty stool between us just in case he rejected me, I could pretend to be ordering more drinks.

“Hey yourself.” His voice was deep, really deep, and a little bit raspy like he’d been quiet for a few hours. “Want a drink?”

I smiled. “What are you drinking?”

His full lips curled into a slow, panty-melting smile. “This? It’s just whiskey on the rocks.”

My brows furrowed momentarily and then I turned to the bartender with a smile. “Two whiskeys on the rocks, please.” There, that was bold, wasn’t it?

He raised an eyebrow in surprise before he finished off the glass and pushed it towards the edge of the bar. “I’m Asher.”

Why was that name so damn sexy? And surprising too. “Great name,” I said, giving myself time to think. “I’m Vick,” I offered, giving him a shortened version of my middle name.

He held his hand out and I noticed that muscles corded under the tattoos, the long, strong looking fingers. “Nice to meet ya.”

His hand was so big and warm around my hand that it looked tiny. “Nice to meet you too,” I answered in a breathless whisper.

“Bad day?”

I looked up into gray-blue eyes and found myself smiling at Asher. He had the bad boy look down pat, but he was gorgeous in a rugged kind of way. “You could say that.”

“Want to talk about it?”

My eyes slid shut at the smooth sound of his voice. He wasn’t just good looking, he was kind and attentive. “Not particularly but thank you Asher.” I tilted my head and looked at him,noticing signs of stress around his eyes. “What about you, want to talk about what’s got you down?”

His smile returned. “Not even a little bit.” He swiveled on the stool and turned to face me, examining me from head to toe.

With every second that ticked by as his gaze wandered my body, I felt myself lacking severely. I wasn’t busty or particularly curvy and at just over five feet I was no one’s idea of statuesque. “This was a bad idea.” I pushed away from the bar just as the bartender placed a whiskey in front of me.

Asher laughed. “What was a bad idea?”

“This,” I murmured and motioned between us. “I thought I could come chat up a hot guy, flirt a little and you know,” I said and waved my arm in the air. “But this isn’t going to work.”

“And why not, exactly?”

“This isn’t me. I’m not this girl and I have no idea what the hell I’m doing.”

“You’re off to a good start. Beautiful and bold. Don’t let your courage fail you now Vick.”

His words put me at ease for some reason. I took a sip of whiskey and winced at the strength of the drink. “Thank you for that, Asher.” I took another sip and smiled. “Want to get out of here?”

His brows shot up again. “Straight to the point?”

I nodded. “Yeah. I don’t want to lose my confidence again and the longer we sit here, the longer I have to reconsider.”

He leaned in close. “Maybe reconsidering is what you should be doing then?”

“Maybe,” I sighed and took another sip. “But I really don’t want to. You’re very pleasing to my eyes and you’re a lot nicer than I imagined.”

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