Page 37 of Scripts of Desire

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Even as she tried to reassure herself over and over, Genevieve’s stomach twisted and clenched. For someone usually so pragmatic, she was struggling an awful lot to convince herself that she would be relieved when Eden inevitably showed up and gently rescinded her declaration.

Except, as the clock ticked closer and closer to the start of the usual workday, Eden didn’t show up.

Genevieve frowned, shifting uncomfortably in her seat as she realised she’d been somewhat paralysed as she’d stared into space and waited to hear the doors open. Eden had been arriving early for weeks now, eager to run lines or discuss character motivations before the rest of the cast arrived. Her absence was . . . unsettling.

Pulling out her phone, Genevieve dialled Eden's number. It rang once, twice, three times before going to voicemail. Genevieve's frown deepened as she listened to Eden's cheery recorded greeting.

"Eden, it's Genevieve. Just checking you’re going to be on time for the tech run today. It starts at 10 AM sharp. I expect you'll be here by 9:30 to warm up. See you soon."

She ended the call, her thumb hovering over Eden's name on the screen. Should she call again? No, that would seem desperate. Eden was probably just running late. She'd be here soon.

Genevieve busied herself with last-minute preparations, but she couldn't shake the gnawing worry in the pit of her stomach. As the minutes ticked by, she found herself checking her phone with increasing frequency.

At 9:30, the rest of the cast began to filter in. Genevieve stood at the edge of the stage, greeting them with nods and tersesmiles. Her eyes kept darting to the theatre entrance, searching for a flash of golden hair.

"Has anyone heard from Eden?" she asked, trying to keep her voice casual.

The cast exchanged glances, shaking their heads. Whispers began to circulate, growing louder as the start time edged closer and Eden failed to appear.

At 9:45, Genevieve couldn't wait any longer. She retreated to a quiet corner backstage and dialled Eden's number again. This time, it went straight to voicemail.

"Eden, where are you? The tech run starts in 15 minutes. This is unacceptable. Call me back immediately."

She made sure her notifications were set to loud and shoved her phone back into her pocket, her hands shaking slightly as she smoothed down her trousers. This wasn't like Eden. Something must be wrong. Maybe she was sick, or there had been an accident . . .

Genevieve pushed those thoughts aside. She needed to focus. No more catastrophising. The tech run was crucial, and they couldn't afford any delays. She'd have to make do with Eden's understudy for now.

As she turned to head back to the stage, she nearly collided with Sammy.

"Ah, Genevieve!" he exclaimed, his jovial tone at odds with the tension in the air. "Where's our star? I was hoping to have a word with her before we begin."

Genevieve's stomach dropped. She'd forgotten that Sammy would be here today, along with the President of the Theatre Board. This was supposed to be their chance to show off the production, to prove that their gamble on new material was paying off.

"She's . . . running late," Genevieve managed, forcing a smile. "I'm sure she'll be here any moment."

Sammy's eyes narrowed. "Running late? On tech day? That doesn't sound like the dedicated actress you've been raving about."

Genevieve opened her mouth to defend Eden, but at that moment, the President appeared behind Sammy.

"Is there a problem?" he asked, his tone sharp.

Genevieve straightened her spine, years of facing down haughty personalities coming to her aid. "Not at all, Mr. Harrington. We're just making some last-minute adjustments. If you'll excuse me, I need to speak with the cast."

She brushed past them, her insides well and truly doing backflips now. Where the hell was Eden? She pulled out her phone once more, her jaw clenched so tight it was starting to ache.

"Eden, it's Genevieve again. Please, call me back. Whatever's going on, we can work it out. Just . . . please be okay."

She hung up the phone once again, blinking back the stinging threat of tears. This was ridiculous. She’d handled plenty of disasters in her time, she didn't fall apart over tardy actresses. Whatever was getting her so worked up needed to pipe the fuck down. Immediately.

But as she looked out at the assembled cast, at Sammy and Mr. Harrington taking their seats in the front row, Genevieve couldn't shake the feeling that this was more than just a case of unprofessional behaviour. Eden wasn’t here for a reason, and that reason was almost undoubtedly her cowardly director.

The image of Eden's face after her confession flashed through Genevieve's mind. The hope, the vulnerability, the subsequent devastation when Genevieve had fled. She'd told herself that it was for the best. That she was protecting both of them from the complications of a relationship. But now, faced with the possibility that Eden was so hurt that she couldn’t even face her, Genevieve wondered if she'd made a terrible mistake.

" All right, everyone," she called out, her voice steady despite the turmoil inside her. "Let's get started. Mara, you'll be standing in for Eden today."

As Mara, Eden's understudy, took her place on stage, Genevieve caught Sammy's disapproving pout. She knew she'd have to answer for this later, knew that the success of the entire production - and possibly her career - hung in the balance.

But in that moment, as the lights dimmed and the tech run began, all Genevieve could think about was Eden. Where she was, whether or not she was okay, and whether Genevieve would ever get the chance to tell Eden how she really felt.

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