Page 22 of Scripts of Desire

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Eden turned quickly to obey, grateful for the opportunity to breathe for a few seconds, away from the intoxicating pull of Genevieve’s hands. She had asked for this – had practically begged – and now it was happening. Eden’s brain was lost in a fog of lust and anticipation. Her fingers trembled as they fumbled with the lock.

Taking a deep breath in through her nose and releasing it slowly through her mouth, like she’d done so many times before walking onto a stage, Eden turned back to find Genevieve patiently leaning against her desk. Her gaze roved over the actress’s bare legs in shameless perusal.

Thank goodness I thought to shave this morning.

“Come here,” Genevieve murmured, rising from where she was perched and holding out an inviting hand. When Eden walked back into her reach, heart pounding in her throat, Genevieve grasped her and spun them both until Eden felt the smooth wood of the desk against the backs of her legs.


Every bold instruction shot straight to the throbbing ache between Eden’s thighs. She was only too eager to comply, desperate to let her mind go blank, and to surrender completely to her director’s lead. Easing slowly back onto the desk, Eden let her knees spread ever so slightly. Silent permission for Genevieve to take whatever she wanted from her.

“Are you sure you want this?” Genevieve’s eyes bore into Eden’s with an intensity that had the actress forgetting to breathe. She swallowed – part nervous gulp, part automatic reaction to the primal urge to drool. Not trusting her voice not to quaver, Eden simply nodded her confirmation.

Genevieve’s answering smirk must have been plucked straight from the ultimate playbook for seduction. Eden couldn’t tear her eyes away from the quirk of those tempting lips, or the dark promises she read in that expression.

“Good . . .” Genevieve almost purred, skimming her knuckles along Eden’s jaw before tangling her fingers in her hair. Eden couldn’t help but gasp when Genevieve tightened her fist in her hair and pulled her head back sharply. “Because the things I want to do to you, the things I’ve been imagining since I tasted your lips . . . some might call depraved.”

Eden’s eyelids fluttered closed as Genevieve began to lave her tongue over her exposed throat, all the while the hand that was not clasped in her hair was steadily making its way higher up Eden’s bare thigh.

“Well, I didn’t exactly come here for boring,” Eden answered a little breathlessly, feigning a boldness she didn’t quite feel,but was fully committed to. She hooked a finger through one of Genevieve’s belt loops and pulled her hips closer.

Genevieve huffed a quiet chuckle into the column of Eden’s neck as her other hand finally slipped beneath Eden’s dress, leaving a trail of goosebumps in its wake. Eden’s breath hitched as those nimble fingers reached the place where she craved them the most, stroking teasingly over her cotton underwear. The thin fabric did little to dull the sensation. Each nerve in Eden’s entire body was alight, and attuned to her director’s every move and command.

“So wet for me already. I’ve barely touched you,” Genevieve murmured approvingly. “Eyes on me, Eden. I want your full attention.”

Eden’s eyes snapped back open, focusing immediately on Genevieve’s blistering gaze. She whimpered a little, beyond caring how desperate she sounded, as she rocked her hips into Genevieve’s taunting touch. “Please,” she whispered, not needing any more words to explain exactly what it was she was begging for.

With another low chuckle, Genevieve mercifully obliged, slipping her fingers beneath the damp cotton and dragging them through Eden’s slick folds. Eden let slip a wanton moan at the direct contact, her eyes rolling back into her head as Genevieve began to explore this new territory with deliberate, maddening slowness.

“I won’t tell you again, Eden. Eyes. On. Me.” Genevieve punctuated her words with a few quick slaps on Eden’s pussy before going back to circling her clit with just enough pressure to drive her wild. Eden’s answering keen was almost feral as she spread her legs wider still, nearly lifting herself off the desk as she chased those expert fingers, her own hands white knuckling the edge. Genevieve’s assertive dominance coupled with her torturously controlled attention on Eden’s clit was driving theyoung actress to heights she’d never reached before. Heights that promised a new level of climax when she finally tipped over the edge.

But just as Eden felt herself approaching the precipice, Genevieve withdrew her hand. Eden couldn't suppress a whine of disappointment, though one look at the director’s knowing smirk told her they weren’t anywhere close to finished.

"Turn around," Genevieve ordered her, quickly nipping at her bottom lip. "Bend over the desk."

Eden's breath was now coming in heavy pants as she complied, positioning herself with her forearms braced on the paper-strewn surface and her ass in the air. She felt utterly, sinfully exposed as Genevieve pushed the hem of her dress up over her hips, but the vulnerability only heightened her arousal. Genevieve traced her fingertips over the newly exposed skin, squeezing appreciatively before sliding down to spread Eden’s cheeks.

"Such a pretty little asshole," Genevieve mused, her thumb brushing daringly over the puckered entrance. Eden shivered at the unexpected touch, equal parts nervous and thrilled. "I think we'll have some fun here."

Before Eden could fully process the implication, Genevieve's fingers were back at her pussy, gathering her abundant wetness. She gasped as two fingers plunged inside her, curling expertly to stroke that perfect spot.

"Oh god," Eden moaned, her hips instinctively pushing back to take them deeper.

"That's it," Genevieve encouraged, her free hand palming Eden's ass. "Just relax and feel."

Eden did as she was told, surrendering completely to the sensations coursing through her body. She was so lost in the pleasure that she barely registered the gentle pressure ofanother one of Genevieve's slick fingers against her anus until it breached that tight ring of muscle.

“Oh, god!" Eden hissed, her body tensing momentarily at the foreign intrusion.

"Shh," Genevieve soothed, stilling her movements. "Just breathe. I know you can take it for me."

Eden sucked in a shaky breath, willing herself to relax. As the initial discomfort faded, she soon found herself pushing back, silently curious for more. Genevieve willingly obliged, working her finger deeper as the other fingers continued their relentless assault on Eden's pussy.

"That's a good girl," Genevieve praised, each delicious word stoking the molten warmth coiling in Eden’s lower belly. "Look at you taking it so beautifully for me."

She was vaguely aware that she was sprawled across Genevieve's paperwork, probably ruining important notes with her clammy hands and occasionally clenching fingers, but she couldn't bring herself to care. All that mattered was this exquisite pleasure Genevieve was drawing from her body.

A sudden knock at the door startled them both. Eden froze, panic momentarily overriding her lust-addled brain and stilling her grinding hips.

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