Page 21 of Scripts of Desire

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Eden nodded eagerly, still hovering entirely too close for it to be professional. "I understand. That's what I want, too."

Genevieve held up a hand, stopping Eden's advance. "And I can't give you a relationship, Eden. I don’t have the space in my life to commit to someone. Do you understand?"

The younger woman's eyes seemed to spark at the challenge in Genevieve's words. She moved forward again, this time not stopping until she stood directly in front of Genevieve, close enough that she was practically nestled between her thighs.

"I’m not looking for a relationship or love. That stuff never works out for me anyway," Eden said, barely above a whisper. "I just want to explore this side of myself. The side I've been at war with for so many years. And I think you can bring it out of me better than anyone else could."

Genevieve felt her breath catch in her throat. The vulnerability in Eden's voice, the openness of her expression, it was almost too much to bear. She found herself leaning in slightly, her eyes darting repeatedly down to those temptingly full lips.

"You don't know what you're asking," Genevieve murmured, even as her hands itched to reach out and pull Eden closer.

Eden's gaze dropped to Genevieve's own lips for a moment before meeting her eyes again. "Maybe not," she admitted. "But I want to find out. Don’t you want to show me everything I’m missing out on?"

Genevieve knew right then that she stood at a crossroads. The rational part of her mind screamed at her to put a stop to this now, before it went any further. But another part, a part she'd thought long dormant, urged her to take the leap. It pooled in a steadily growing ache between her thighs, which were spread slightly by the unexpectedly bold woman who’d positioned herself between them.

As Genevieve looked at Eden, seeing the mixture of desire and uncertainty in those impossibly blue eyes, she felt herself losing the battle with reason. The chemistry between them was undeniable, and it had been so long since she’d been unable to ignore such physical magnetism. And if Eden was right, if exploring this could truly enhance her performance . . .

"This is a terrible idea," Genevieve said, her voice husky with want. But even as she tried one last time to claw back control, her hands were moving of their own accord, trailing up Eden’s thighs and coming to rest lightly on her waist.

Eden's breaths started coming shorter and sharper in response to Genevieve's touch. "It’s unorthodox," she agreed. "But I’ve spent too long holding myself back. I’ll never be half the actress I could be if I don’t allow myself to live a little more."

Genevieve couldn't help but chuckle at that somewhat-cliché philosophy. "Is that so? And where did you learn such wisdom?"

"From you," Eden replied, her eyes never leaving Genevieve's. "You're always pushing us to take risks, and to go beyond what's comfortable. Isn't this just another way of doing that?"

The logic was flawed, and Genevieve knew it. But in that moment, with Eden so close, her body sinfully inviting, it washard to remember why this was such a bad idea. "If we do this - and I'm not saying we will - but if we do, you have to understand that our work comes first. Always. No exceptions."

Eden nodded eagerly. "Of course. I wouldn't want it any other way."

"And this stays between us," Genevieve continued, her grip on Eden's waist tightening slightly. "No one can know. Not the cast, not the crew, not any of your friends. It would compromise everything we're working toward."

"I understand," Eden said, her fingers absentmindedly playing with the collar of Genevieve's crisp shirt. "It'll be our secret."

Genevieve swallowed hard, trying to ignore the effect Eden's casual touch was having on her.

"We shouldn’t be doing this.Ishouldn’t be doing this," Genevieve murmured, even as she leaned in closer.

Eden's hands slid up to cup Genevieve's face. "Then tell me to stop," she whispered, her breath warm against Genevieve's skin as she closed the last bit of distance between them.

This kiss was different from their first. Where that had been a surprise to them both, a sudden explosion of pent-up desire, this was slower, more languid. Two people exploring each other like they had all the time in the world.

Genevieve's hands slid around to Eden's back, pressing their bodies flush against each other and reaching down further to cup her perky ass beneath the soft wool of her sweater dress. A soft moan escaped Eden's throat, and Genevieve couldn’t help but smile against her lips at her shameless responsiveness.

For the first time in longer than she cared to admit, Genevieve let go of her iron control. She surrendered to the moment, to the overwhelming desire that had been building between them for weeks.

And as Eden's hands began to wander, exploring with a boldness that both surprised and delighted Genevieve, she knew that there would be no going back. Whatever happened next, whatever consequences they might face, this thing between them had become inevitable.

She would worry about the fallout later.



Every inch of her skin was hot, in the wake of Genevieve’s touch. Eden could barely believe this was happening. She didn’t know what she’d been hoping for when she’d tentatively knocked on her director’s door this morning, but this certainly hadn’t been on the bingo card.

“Lock the door.” Genevieve’s command came out husky with unbridled desire as she grazed her teeth over Eden’s earlobe.

Well fuck!

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