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“Tell me more about it.”

“Maybe I will get up in the morning with you one day and go on a run with you. We’ll come back and make breakfast, light the chimney, and feast on each other. I hope when we go this time it’s snowing. Hell, it could snow us in, really. I’m not worrying about anything but being there with you. No work for you. No orders for me. Just us, our cabin and the fire. Completely disconnected for the world.”

“That sounds so fucking good baby.” I took notes of everything she spoke of so I could make it happen. I already started calculating how I could spend more time with her once this build was over. I just needed to get over this hump. Get Hamp gone. Set her business up how it needed to be and secure our future with this house.

She lifted and turned around. Her brown eyes pierced mine.

“I feel like I been one way my whole life and now with you I have to learn myself all over again. Like I’m someone new.”

“Well maybe we are just learning who we should have been all along. The person that we can be when we are loved correctly. Without fear.”

“Without fear? My feelings for you scare me shitless.” She admitted and sat up. The difference in warmth made me feel so cold.

“I’m glad you are honest.”

“You tell me you don’t want me to lie to you.”

“Damn, I love it when you listen.” I smiled.

“Don’t get used to it nigga.” She got up and went to the kitchen with a laugh.

“What you cook?”

“Your favorite.” She smiled and opened the oven. My stomach grumbled. “Damn I guess your stomach heard me, too. I gotta start packing you lunch, too. I thought you don’t like to eat at work.”

“I don’t and don’t stall with that plate either, beautiful.” I kissed her lips as she sat the plate of steak and potatoes before me. Steamed broccoli sat on the side accompanied by her homemade rolls. I couldn’t see how a nigga hadn’t scooped her. I damn sure wasn’t going to make that mistake.

“Your phone ringing.” She walked toward the sound in the living room.

“Who is it?” I was too indulged in the plate to move.

“It’s your sister.” That did make me put my fork down.

“I’ll, I’ll call her back.”

She came back around and made sure to get a good look at my face. “What is that about? Something going on with y’all?”

“I just been putting off some shit with her.”

She slid into the stool next to mine. “Like what?”

“I guess I always just felt guilty for leaving her. I know my dad wasn’t much of one, and through her formidable years, I ran. Shit, my house was toxic, especially after my ma lost her husband.”

“You can’t give yourself a responsibility that never should have belonged to you. It was your father’s job to be her dad. Not yours.”

“I get that, but I knew it was a need. It may not have been up to me, but it was still my responsibility. I let so many people down but I know my sister. I hurt her the worst even if she never says it.”

“Don’t say that Prince. You are not Superman. You cannot save everybody from everything. She needed to see that her father, with all due respect, wasn’t shit. You were young, too, and working out your own stuff. You probably didn’t even know how to be what she needed.”

I tried to hear her words.

“What you need to do is call her. Talk to her because, just like you told me, it ain’t nothing like family. It’s nothing that can truly break y’all apart unless you don’t talk about it.”

I cracked a smile.

“Don’t start. You know I’m telling the truth.” She blushed and swayed against me.

“You right baby. I mean, really, I’m right, but my advice does fit the situation.”

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