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“You are drunk, Kiara. You are on your own time so I don’t judge you for that but what we doing is not a getaway. It’s a job. A place where we will be professional at all times. Do what you want with your weekends but Monday through Friday I expect you to be on point.”

“I didn’t mean it like that,” she added quickly.

“Do you have someone to take you home? You’ve been drinking.”

“Don’t worry, as irresponsible as I seem, I am not. My best friend is my designated driver. I guess you have the power to make a girl lose good sense. Have a good night, Prince, and I look forward to the opportunity.” She gave me a once-over before she walked in the other direction. I let out a sigh of relief when I saw she was indeed with a group of friends.

“And you really think that’s a good idea?” Priest came out of nowhere. The shit-eating grin on his face couldn’t hide his true feelings.

“I thought I was coming out here to spend some time with my lil’ bro’ today. Have a few drinks and talk some shit. Nigga I ain’t know it was an interview.” I looked around me at the few people who were mingled inside of the bar. It wasn’t too busy. Not that either one of us came for the crowd either way. I thought it would be a good distraction but I should’ve known Priest wasn’t about to let me off with what I told him. Knowing him he probably thought about that the whole way over.

“For one, you don’t drink no more. Second, if you didn’t want to talk about this you never would’ve brought it up. How do you think this shit gone work out? You got a chick there thatclearly likes you working for you, and then you have a twin who you got undeniable chemistry with.”

“Bring it up? Nigga I ain’t said one word about it.”

“You telling me you don’t want to talk about this shit? So how deep is this shit really with Twin?”

I gripped the drink that sat in front of him and threw back the untouched shot in his glass.

“Bruh wait! You sure you—"

“I’m not an alcoholic. I never have been. If I drink with you will you stop the interrogation? Her name ain’t no fucking Twin, either. Shit ain’t as deep as you think it is.” Those last words tasted just as bitter as the drink.

“Damn let me get her name right then.” Priest laughed. “Okay, answer me this, and I’ll drop it.”

I nodded.

“Clearly it’s something between y’all. That’s undeniable. What’s the end game here? Hamp wants her, and you ain’t giving her up. It’s only a matter of time before he finds out y’all are somewhere together because, as you said, you ain’t runnin’. So you are supposed to protect this woman; she is your type because nigga I know you, but you are saying you ain’t trying to get deep. Why even set yourself up like this?”

“I can’t hold you. She is my type and everything I’m used to, but she's better. I’m trying to allow the shit to happen naturally but she stubborn as fuck. So shielded and I guess I see why. What I have been through took so much from me, and I can’t lose this time. I don’t know if either one of us is in the right headspace for this. Maybe I can only give her the freedom to live her life without looking over her shoulder. Any other circumstance, it would be her.”

“So as a grown man you gone see a woman you know you want but may not necessarily be in therightplace to indulge. You have one woman throwing it at you and another woman that you want. You playing with fire bruh.”

“You said one, or do I need to order another round?”

“You got that. What’s the business about?” Even though I wasn’t indulging, Priest waved over the waitress to bring him another shot.

“Shit, you know everything solid on my team. I have an eight-man team, and we have ten homes to rehab. Some pretty nice bones in all the mansions, they say. They are giving me sixteen weeks for completion, with a two-week break in the middle. I plan to have it done in twelve. First batch done in six and the next batch in six. I also have something else on the table down there that I have been working on. See why I actually need an accountant? I’m gone have to bust my ass to get this done. It just pisses me off because I had so much shit set up to make things easier. I’m trying not to think too much about it, but I fumbled some shit big time.”

“You need something?” he asked.

“A wash and a trail,” I said honestly. I was done taking, but I was cool with an exchange.

“You got that. Bring it to me tonight. Ever gone tell me how all that shit started?” Priest asked and the silence was thick that surrounded us.

“Yeah,” I answered simply. I would, but that was too heavy to discuss. He picked up on the finality of my answer and moved on.

“What day y’all leave?”

“Right after I leave here, I’m going to pick her up, and we gone head home. This shit with Hamp has moved my schedule up. She at your house right now. Her pretty ass probably thinks she is about to go home and chill. She been ducking me the last few days.” It was purposeful that I hadn’t seen her today. I was waiting as long as I could because my goal was not to let on about it. It may not have made sense to anyone else, but I wanted her admission of her own volition. I wanted her to trust me on her own.

“You wild as hell. Bruh, have a good trip but keep yo fucking head on a swivel. I got everything here. Nesha has a detail, and I told Chaz to keep his head up and his dick in his pants. Just let me know when it’s fall out time.” Priest smiled.

“Yo’ ass just as bad as Chaz with that smiling shit. Y’all love drama.”

“Shit, not me. I’m a family man now. I just know who my brother is. Nothing but good shit can follow. But speaking of family, I’m ‘bout to get my ass out of here and go home. Better come get your woman because me and mine on some roof shit tonight.”

“Nigga I don’t need to know all that.” I dapped him up as he rose from the table.

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