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“No,” I answered plainly. I wouldn’t. I would never mix pleasure and work.

“Then don’t act like you are mad about something so meaningless.”

“I gave you space to do your interview. I don’t have a problem. So don’t create one.” I turned my back to him and looked out the window. If I continued to look at him it wasn’t notelling what was going to happen. I wished it was just sex, but the way his eyes penetrated me, the way he knew something was off with me and was calling it out without me saying a word, was getting to me. Shit, I wished Devin would’ve noticed after years of being together.

“They don’t mean shit to me.” I felt him push in closer. His presence was heavy behind me, and my nerves started going berserk.

“You don’t owe me anything, Prince.”

“Not yet, but soon I will, and when you finally stop being so damn stubborn and realize that your place is next to me, keep that shit in mind. Ain’t a damn soul that can take my eyes off something that I want.” He turned me around. “What’s wrong? Cat got your tongue?” My lips parted, and his lips were on mine again before my words could come out. He carried an uncanny spontaneity for what I’d assume someone like him would have. His affection was unstructured but always well-received. I couldn’t resist him, and by now, I was sure he knew that.

The fire spread through my belly as our kisses intensified. My nipples pearled against his chest as I moaned into his mouth. He pushed my back against the wall. Fuck the interviews if Prince wanted me right here, and right now, I wasn’t going to be ashamed to give it to him. My hands went under his shirt and rubbed across his strong abs. I felt his dick harden against my stomach and a burst of excitement hit me. My pussy was ready to do the talking. I threw my legs around his waist, and he handled my weight efficiently. I wasn’t a tiny girl. Granted, most of my weight was in my ass, but at 5’6 and 158 pounds, I wasn’t a ragdoll.

A semi-growl mixed with a laugh escaped him. I couldn’t even describe how a sound like that could be considered sexybut it damn sure did it for me. Until he stopped. He pulled back, and I dropped my arms that were locked around his neck and tried to push my legs to the floor, but he didn’t let me. I wished now more than ever I hadn’t made that move. Embarrassment started to flood me like a hurricane. I looked everywhere but him and he didn’t let up until I finally stole a glance. Embarrassed or not, Prince was still so fucking fine.

“Why do you want to give me the most precious part of you without anything attached to it? Do you know how beautiful your trust is? How lovely your heart is? In the hands of the right man—"

“Let me down, Prince.” I pushed his chest, but he still didn’t let me down until he was good and ready a few seconds later. I was too self-conscious to check to see if there was a pool between my legs. I just walked a few steps before I spoke again. “Let me guess, you are the right man? You don’t even know me to know if I’m worth the trouble to even speak like that.”

“I know how I feel. Maybe you aren’t there. So what you got shit with you, so do I. I know what I see and I’m not accepting anything less than what we can truly be. Trust me we have plenty more rooms to take advantage of in the future.”

“Prince, you have people waiting on you,” I said turning my back again and looking out the window. I wasn’t responding to that. Then that sexy laugh erupted from behind my back. I prayed my shudder wasn’t visible. Prince had me on fucking edge.Damn, I hope I left my rose plugged in.

“You decent?”

“Why wouldn’t I be?” I turned to him with a bright smile. He returned one more genuine than my own and called the next woman in. The interviews helped calm down my mood. The women made efforts to be professional. I could tell the wholetime what type of business they really thought that this would be, though. I didn’t blame them, but I prayed that they could do the job. I wasn’t impressed with either one of them from a résumé standpoint. I wasn’t one to talk because there wasn’t anything on mine. At the same time, I wasn’t the one applying for a job knowing damn well I wasn’t credentialed. Even if I wanted to help Prince with this I didn’t know the first thing about running payroll.

“So what do you think you are going to do?” I asked as Prince locked up the office after the last interview.

“Honestly, I think the first one was best. She had experience.”

“Hmm, I bet.” I rolled my eyes.

“Do we need to go through that again?” His hand pushed gently against my back as he guided me to the door.

“No,” I answered quickly. He laughed a little louder than I thought he should have. I cut my eyes to him, and he laughed even more deafening. He opened the door for me, and I slipped into the car. While he was walking to the driver’s side, a smile stretched across my face. No, this nigga don’t halfway gotme scared of his ass. That’s because he gone keep me hot and not finish the job.Maybe I would have found it refreshing if I wasn’t going crazy.

“Ready to grab something to eat, or should we go on with the imaginary plans you had for the day?” That did pull a laugh from me.

“Fuck you, Prince!” I joked, and he got my humor automatically.

“Soon,” he promised, and again, there was silence. This time it wasn’t awkward it was one of anticipation.

“What you in the mood for?”

“Ooh, they have a new restaurant downtown, 501 Bar and Grill. I heard their calamari is so good.” I smiled like a fat kid.

“I can fuck with it.”

“I can order it, and we can pick it up. I am not trying to sit up there.”


“I just hate running into people.”

“Why? I wish a nigga would say something.” His grip tightened on the steering wheel, and he sat up slightly. I shook my head.

“It’s not the men.”

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