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“What decision?” I folded my arms across my chest as he approached. I screamed for his hands, but they stayed at bay.

“I have some interviews for my assistant. I’ll need someone to be over that part while I focus on finishing the houses on schedule. I usually do it on my own, but it will only slow me down.”

“Oh, for what Remy called you about last night? I thought he said you were only in contention. Did he say y’all got it?”

“I won’t be denied so I am going to be ready. The work will start as soon as they say okay. I sent my bank statements over this morning.”

“I like Remy.” I smiled thinking about him.

“That nigga cool. Don’t be smiling that hard. Get dressed, then. I’ll wait so we can leave. The interviews start in about an hour.”

“I didn’t say yes.” I needed to establish some damn boundaries. Prince was a force without trying. He seemed to be wholly unaffected and I didn’t know if I liked it or hated it. Other men seeing me in a robe that stopped mid-thigh would have been all over me, wanting to get underneath it. Prince complimented me, so he thought I looked good, but he was driving the point home that he wanted something more profound, and I was desperately trying to stay in the shallow end with his ass.

Oh shit!

He moved toward me, and I dropped my arms to my side, not knowing what to do with them. He hooked his right arm around my waist and pulled me into his chest. He pressed his lips against mine and all the sparks I felt last night that still hadn’t worn off this morning I felt again. Prince was such a good kisser. Very aggressive and dominant like I loved. His soft lips gently parted mine, but that’s where the ease ended. Once opened, his tongue pinned mine and sucked it into his mouth. His right hand pulled me even closer, and his left hand found my neck. He had me whimpering with need, and even if I cared, I wasn’t doing a damn thing to stop it because it felt so good. I wasn’t used to this level of passion from anyone yet I could still feel him holding back from me. It scared me to think of this man’s total capacity.

“Is that the motivation you need?” He pushed back from me.


“I’ll go get dressed. Give me twenty minutes,” I finally responded. I turned and walked toward my bedroom. I looked back to check and see if he was looking, and this time, he definitely was. There was no mistaking what the look in his eyes conveyed. I smirked as I bounced the rest of the way to my room. I could play the game my way no matter what Prince thought. I only had to go down the roads I was comfortable with. I didn’t know if I had the capacity to ever trust a man in a relationship, but the way our sexual chemistry was bouncing off the walls, there was no use in avoiding him.

“You need to stop letting that man kiss all over you,” I mumbled to myself, knowing damn well I wouldn’t.

I slipped on dark blue jeans, gold sandals, and a cute white top, pairing them with gold jewelry. I didn’t have time todo much to my hair, so my sew-in would just hang straight down my back, blowing in the wind.

“Damn, you want to be like me so bad. If we gone match make sure we put on some real shit.” He stood as soon as I emerged from the back hall.

“Ain’t nobody trying to match you. This was the first thing I saw.”

“I see your mind ain’t caught up with your heart yet, huh?”

“You got a slick mouth. I see.”

“Let’s go.” He slipped on his boots and held the door open for me. He stood behind me while I locked up. I wasn’t too hungry, but he insisted that I grab something before we headed to his office because he didn’t want me to be cranky.

“We going to dinner later, but that won’t be for a while. Eat something because I can already tell you got a mean streak when you hungry.”

“Whatever is fine.”

It was the fact that he thought he was about to hijack my whole day for me and I was about to let him. We got food and settled into his office, which was just a few buildings down from where his crew was making some repairs on a few homes. I was very observant and took notes of the things he told me. One thing I got from everything he said while pointing out his sites was that Prince worked hard. He busted his ass harder than anyone he employed. He’d been up since five a.m. I know I got home last night after midnight. Him only working on a few hours of sleep almost made me want to cut my sharp tongue short.

“So this is where you do business?” I looked around. I didn’t want to put the man down, but there was no pop in the room—no pizzazz. Just gray walls, a desk, three chairs, and a file cabinet.

“This is just makeshift. I rented this one out for a few days. Usually, my home is my office, but clearly, I wasn’t inviting a muthafucka there.”


I nodded and looked out the window.

“So what’s next for you? I heard you weren’t dancing anymore. What are your plans?”

“Just looking for work. I have a few leads.”

I started to formulate the lie in my head. He hadn’t yet, but all men eventually asked the same questions. What made you start dancing? I felt his presence behind me, and I held my breath. Why the hell was I so nervous around this man?

“These next two months are going to be crazy. Between finishing my old jobs and taking this new opportunity.”

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