Page 48 of By Blood To Avenge

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“HeisThe Tribunal. And I’m guessing you don’t want to lose your other hand.”

He looks down at the stump, closes his left hand around it. “I still feel it, you know that? What a thing, phantom limb syndrome.”

He looks up to meet my gaze and I study him, trying to understand him. I think, in some ways, I do. I think, to some extent, over the years he’s gone a little mad.

He stands up, walks toward the desk and retrieves a business card from his pocket. He sets it down then goes to the door. One of his men opens it. “I will guarantee the blue-haired girl’s safety if you give me what I want.”

I stand, too. “Did you guarantee it when Hoxton had her strung up and whipped her? When he would have raped her had I not come?”

“Like I said, I can’t speak to the morals of the men who worked for me.”

“I don’t need you to keep her safe.”

He walks to the door, pausing on his way to study a painting on the wall. “You do need me, Ezekiel St. James.” He faces me, that faux casual smile vanished from it, his true face on display. The coldness of it, the darkness in his eyes, it’s something to see. “I can be friend or foe. Your choice. Give me what I want, and I guarantee her safety. Don’t, and, well, I guarantee the opposite.”



Ican be friend or foe. Your choice. Give me what I want, and I guarantee her safety. Don’t, and, well, I guarantee the opposite.

I shudder at Antoine Girard’s words. I believe them. “Blue,” Isabelle whispers and I wave to her that it’s fine. They can’t see me as I watch from my hiding place on the second floor.

Two soldiers walk ahead and two behind Girard, who is not a small man, but, given his missing hand, any opponent would always have the advantage. My heart beats furiously as I watch them go. I can hear Angelique sniffling. I’m only able to breathe once they leave the house and close the door behind them.

“They’re gone,” I say, turning to Isabelle who is hugging Angelique and the two boys to her. Adan is somehow still asleep in his crib.

“I thought it was Maddy’s mom ringing the bell,” Angelique says to her. “I’m sorry I opened it. I’m sorry.”

“Shh, sweetheart, it’s not your fault.” Isabelle hugs the little girl to herself.

I hear Jericho and Zeke hurry up the stairs and into Adan’s bedroom.

“Daddy, I’m sorry!” Angelique runs to Jericho who crouches down to hug her tight, closing his eyes as he holds her. What must he be feeling to know how scared his little girl was? How easily those men just walked into a house that should be protected by a gate, a locked door.

“It’s not your fault, Angelique. It’s not your fault.”

She clings to him. “I know not to come into your office when the door is closed. I know.”

“Shh. It’s fine, sweetheart. I’m not angry with you. Not even a little.”

“I was scared.”

“You’re safe now.” He draws back, wipes her tears with his thumbs and holds her face so she’s looking straight at him. “I will never let anyone hurt you. Ever.”

She nods, her breath catching.

“No school today,” he says, rising to his full height, lifting her with him. “Everyone’s staying home.”

“Sweet!” Matty, who doesn’t understand why everyone is upset, says with a fist pump. It would be funny if the circumstances weren’t so dire.

Adan now stirs and Jericho sets Angelique down and goes to pick him up. I look at them, this growing family. They were safe before I walked into their lives. I brought Antoine Girard and his soldiers to their door. I am the reason Zeke killed two men. I am the reason Councilor Augustus is watching them. He can bring The Tribunal down on their heads. Based on what Zeke told me, he’s done it before to many others guilty or not. With what is on that flash drive, his life is at stake. He’ll need no more motivation to destroy them.

I can’t let that happen. I can’t let these people bear the consequences of my actions. I couldn’t live with myself if any of them got hurt.

“You okay?” Zeke asks and I force the thoughts away because I need to find some way to fix this. To make it right. I need to be the one to do it. Not him.

“I think we should go to the other house.”

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