Page 12 of By Blood To Avenge

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“He was going to carve into my face. He said… He said.”

“Shh. Into the shower now. It’s over. Let me clean you. Let me take care of you.”

I nod and we walk into the oversized shower stall. The water isn’t too warm but still stings when it hits my skin. Zeke is careful to clean me, using his hands to wash away blood before shampooing my hair, conditioning it.

While the conditioner sits in my hair, he washes my body again. When he’s finished, I take the body wash from him, pour some out into the palm of my hand and wash him, too, letting my hands run over smooth skin and hard muscle, taking in the curving bodies of the dragons on his arms, his back, washing his hair when I’m done with his body before taking his face in my hands and rising up on tiptoe to kiss him. To kiss his swollen lips again, to taste him.

It's different this time. He tastes different and he feels different and when he carries me out of the shower, both of us soaking, and lays me down on his bed, I spread my legs open as he settles between them.

“I need to check your wounds,” he says, voice hoarse.

“After. I need you to hold me now, Zeke. I need you inside me.” I kiss him and he kisses me, a hungry, needy sort of kissing that grows frenzied as I weave my fingers into his wet hair and pull him down to me.

“I’m sorry,” he says.

I shake my head, confused. “Why?”

“I’m sorry I didn’t come sooner. I’m sorry I let him hurt you.”

“You saved me.” I sit up a little. “You saved me Zeke. You saved my life.”

His eyebrows furrow, forehead creasing.

“You idiot. You saved my life.” I kiss him again, wrap my legs around his waist. “Make love to me. Make love to me.” I’ve never said those words before. Never. The choice is not lost on me.

“Blue, you’re hurt?—”

“I need you. I need to feel you inside me, Zeke. Please.”

Tears fall from the corners of my eyes. He bends his head and kisses me again, taking my thigh with his hand and drawing my leg up and then he’s inside me and I’m sucking in a ragged breath as I take him. It’s not enough, though. I can’t get close enough. I cling to his shoulders, feel his strength, the power in his arms and pull him to me as he makes love to me, moving slow and deep. He kisses me, tongue wet inside my mouth, and I kiss him back, panting for breath. We’re close, so close, there’s nothing between us and the pain I feel, the welts and cuts and bruises, it becomes a part of this, of us, because it is a part of us. Zeke and I, there’s a darkness inside us. It belongs to us, it envelops us. Finding him, being with him, this killer, this beast, my avenger, my monster, I’m feeling things I’ve never felt before with an urgency as intense as the orgasm building inside me, inside him. I see it in his eyes, feel it in the thickening of his cock, in the frenzy of the fucking.

I love him.

I love this man. This brutal killer.

I love him.



Ikiss her, swallowing the sound of her cry when she comes. She moans into my mouth, the sound undistinguishable from that of pain. Unable to get close enough, I grind against her, needing more of her. The throbbing walls of her pussy push me over the edge, making me come hard as I hold her to me, trying not to hurt her as my fingers dig into tender flesh to bring her closer, ever closer. My cock throbs inside her warm, tight pussy, filling her, marking her, leaving a little of myself inside her. Her mouth tastes like copper and honey, blood and sweetness, mine and hers, and orgasm seems to throb and pulsate through me for an eternity and not for nearly long enough.

When it’s over, we’re both left panting. I pull out of Blue as her grip on me loosens and I lay her down. Our eyes are locked and the way she looks at me is different. Is it fear? Fear at what she saw. The violence she knows me to be capable of. After witnessing the bloody mayhem I left behind with her own two eyes, how does she see me? Me, this killer she just begged to make love to her.

Tomake love.

Not fuck.

I did not miss her word choice.

And I made love to her the only way I know how. Hard and deep and painful. Pain plays along the knife edge of pleasure always with me. Does she understand this now?

Blue’s eyes never leave mine as I straighten to stand. I glance down to see come spill from between her legs before I pull the blanket over her. From the closet, I grab the first things I see, a pair of jeans and a shirt and pull them on. I walk into the bathroom where I left the shower running and switch it off. I wet a washcloth and carry that along with the first-aid kit beneath the sink back into the bedroom.

Blue hasn’t moved. She watches me return in that strange, new way.

She has seen the man beneath the mask. The beast. The killer.

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