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I close the laptop once more with a sigh. My mind spins back to that night, the yacht party at Love Beach where I'd almost made a spectacle of myself. Thank God for Ryder's impeccable timing,finding me on the dock before humiliation had a chance to claim me.

I can still feel the firm grip of his hand around mine as he steered me away from the glitz and the laughter that didn't include me. "You don't belong there, Jayden," he'd said, and I'd told myself it was concern in his voice, not pity. Now, I have my doubts.

I should have felt cherished when he came to my rescue. Instead, I'm left wondering if I was just another problem for him to fix.

"Ryder Raines, you've got some explaining to do," I whisper to no one, my fingers tracing the edge of the laptop. My thoughts drift to his tattoos again, those intricate designs that must mean something more than they let on. Like the website, they're a language I haven't learned yet.

If only he'd trust me to tell me what he likes, what he’s possibly missing from me. If only I could be brave enough to ask for them.

Chapter 12


My teammates jostle behind me as I push through the door of Sand Dunes Bar & Grill. The immediate sight of Jayden maneuvering between tables heightens my senses.

"Ryder, over here, man!" Dakota shouts, slapping my back and steering me toward our usual spot—a booth with a clear view of the flat-screen TVs and the bar.

I slide into the leather seat, my gaze instinctively searching for Jayden’s green eyes, the ones that usually light up when they meet mine. Yet tonight, they flicker away, distracted, as she takes orders from a table across the room.

"Hey," I mutter when she finally approaches us, her notepad poised in hand. There's no smile, no playful jibe about how we're probably going to order the same greasy grub as always.

"Evening, Ryder. What'll it be?" Her voice lacks its usual warmth. Her words are professional and detached. She doesn't linger, doesn't touch my shoulder like she often does—a slight, affectionate gesture that I like.

"Uh, just the usual," I say, trying to sound nonchalant, but inside, I'm scrambling. This isn't the Jayden I know.

"Coming right up." The response is automatic, void of emotion, and she's turning away before I can attempt to reconnect.

"Is it me, or is Jayden off tonight?" The question comes from Kaleb as he leans forward, his brows knitted in concern.

"Yeah, she seems... different," I admit, watching Jayden's retreating figure. My gut twists. I'm not one to chase after anyone, yet the thought of Jayden pulling away grips me tight around my heart.

"Maybe she's just having a bad day," someone suggests, but I'm not convinced. It's more than that—it has to be, doesn't it? Why does it feel like she's slipping through my fingers?

"Couldn’t care less," I lie, cracking my knuckles beneath the table.

"Right," Dakota chuckles, clearly not buying it. "That's why you've been glancing her way every five seconds."

"Shut it, Dakota," I snap, then instantly regret it. He's just messing around, but my pride is bruised, and I hate that anyone might see how much Jayden's coldness affects me.

The night drags on as I feel like I'm stuck in the penalty box, watching life play out without me.

"Hey," I eventually call out when Jayden breezes past once more, her tray full of drinks for another table.

She pauses, her eyes cautious. "Yeah?"

"Is everything okay?" The words come out softer than I intend, tinged with genuine concern.

"Everything's fine," she replies, a hint of impatience threading through her tone. She's building walls, and I don't have the foggiest idea why.

"Alright," I concede, leaning back against the booth. Her word is final, her retreat swift, leaving me with still no clue what’s wrong with her.

I rub the back of my neck. Jayden's laughter rings out from across the bar, but it doesn't reach her eyes when they flick my way. It's like she's here, but not with me. Not really.

Fishing my phone from my pocket, I scroll through our last few exchanges—or rather, my attempts at exchanges. A string of blue bubbles with no replies stare back at me. Why did I not notice this before. I just thought she was having a busy day.

Me:You up for a sunset walk tonight?

No answer.

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