Page 3 of Penalty Kick

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“Okay, so I have a proposition for you. A way to relieve your stress within the constraints of your time limits.”

“Really, Sergio? For kicks and giggles, hit me with it. This should be good.” I lean back in my chair, cross my legs, and loop my fingers together to rest them on my now full belly, all in preparation to hear this gorgeous man’s plan after he’s known me for maybe an hour. He’s entertaining, I’ll give him that.

“We become fuckbuddies.” Three words and he’s done, as he stretches his arms wide and cocks his head to the side, like to say, there, that’s the best idea since sliced bread.

“Right.” I drag the one syllable word out and shake my head from side to side in disbelief. “Yeah, no thanks. I don’t know you from Adam.”

“Well, I already know a lot about you.” My eyes go wide, and I cock my brow up in question.

“Have you been stalking me?” Concern makes my voice crack.

“No, of course not. Just by today’s observation. I know that you are so caring by watching you for a brief moment with the lady who fell in the hallway down by the locker rooms. I also know that you have a trustworthy demeanor about you or else you would not be working so hard to help your family out.”

“Sergio, you are a stranger.”

"Look, you know where I work and what I do for a living. Also, I know that at any point you could call the cops on me, and then my career would be over because our coach has a zero-violence rule. So, you can trust me as well."

"Let me think about it."

"Okay, dessert?"

"Yes, please, one scoop of the strawberry gelato."

After Sergio laid all his intentions out there, our conversation became more relaxed. It’s a relief to know exactly what the guy is after. Yeah, that’s really what every man’s end goal is either short term or long term, but it’s a breath of fresh air to have him literally say it out loud and right up front.

With each passing bite of my gelato the topics of conversation become flirty. By the time the dessert is finished, this man has made me all hot and bothered with my panties soaked and in need of a serious release.

"I'll do it." I blurt out of nowhere.

“What? We were discussing the differences in wine,” he says confused. “What will you do?” I just stare at him. Is he really going to make me say it out loud?

“I’ll do it, be your fuckbuddy.” The words rush out of my mouth as I am sure I am blushing again.

"Oh, okay, great. Can we start tonight?" His devilish smile makes me want to say yes, but I still have to work in the morning.

"I really should get to bed. I have an early morning and a long day tomorrow." I watch his face fall in disappointment, and my own libido changes my mind as the next words tumble out.

"But, if you want to take me home, you can leave afterward?"

"Hell, yes. Let's do it." He stands and holds his hand out to invite me to place my hand in his. Rather than two people shaking on it to bind the arrangement, this is his way of silently asking if I am all in. Without another thought to question myself, I accept the invitation and walk outside with him, hand in hand.

Chapter 3


Inormallydon’thaveanxiety, but on the way over here, the closer we got to my apartment, the more my knee bounced with nervousness. With every step toward the front door, I am contemplating the possible ramifications that I may have just unleashed by accepting this stranger’s offer. I mean, really, what the hell was I thinking? Oh, yeah, my libido was leading that conversation. Alright, let’s get him in, and get him out as quickly as possible, with my needs fully satisfied, of course.

“Lead the way,” Sergio directs. “I’m not sure where to go.”

“Oh, that’s right,” I say with a shaky voice. “This way.”

As we walk, he gently slides his hand in mine, and the contact calms my nerves. We reach my front door, but he’s reluctant to let go of my hand, so I have to reach in my cross-body bag with one hand and retrieve the keys. His calloused thumb strokes over my knuckles, almost like he’s trying to settle his own nerves as well.

One step through the door, and he closes and locks it behind us. The click sound rings throughout the living room space like a loud bell of warning that big change is soon to come. I turn to face him, and the look on his face is one of caring, yet intrigue.

With a gentle hand, he tucks a wayward hair behind my ear, cups my neck, and brings me close to him for our lips to meet. That’s all it takes for the spark to ignite the fire burning between us and force us to move our feet down the hall into my bedroom.

We both kick off our shoes at the same time, and when our eyes meet, our shirts fly off our bodies next, quickly followed by all other articles of clothing. This passion is not slow and careful, it’s raw and hungry.

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