Page 39 of Birds of a Feather

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“I need a valid explanation,” Mrs. Walden said. “Otherwise, I will not free you from your contract.”

Rose was taken aback.Free me from my contract?Rose could just as easily pack her things and leave the estate tonight. She didn’t have to tell Mrs. Walden anything. The other house staff could take care of the children for a while. What was the big deal?

And then the realization struck Rose at once.She’s drunk. She wants to play with me like a dog with a chew toy.

What do I care?

Rose stuck her hand into her pocket to remove her engagement ring. She slipped it on her finger and extended her hand.

Mrs. Walden’s eyes were enormous. Slowly, she got to her feet and reached for Rose’s hand. “Where did you get this?” she rasped.

“I’m engaged,” Rose said.

Mrs. Walden said, “But the ring. It must have cost a fortune.” Her eyes glinted with intrigue. Her lips parted.

Silence filled the room. Rose tightened her fist to ensure Mrs. Walden couldn’t whip forward and take the ring from her finger.

“Could you give us a moment alone?” Mrs. Walden said.

Rose shifted back, heading to the door.

But Mrs. Walden shot, “Not you. Rose, stay whereyou are.”

It was then she realized she was talking about Mr. Walden. Mrs. Walden wanted to be alone with Rose instead.

Rose remained in the center of the rug. Mr. Walden slunk from the room as though he’d done something wrong.

Rose forced herself to look Mrs. Walden in the eye. She refused to let her gaze drop.

Suddenly, Mrs. Walden was directly in front of her. Her nose was maybe an inch away from the tip of Rose’s. She could feel her breath on her lips.

“You're a lot of things, Rose. But I never imagined you to be a con artist,” Mrs. Walden rasped.

“I’m not a con artist.”

“Tell me you didn’t nab a job with a wealthy family just to spend more time with other wealthy people. Just to get yourself enmeshed.”

“That isn’t why I came here.” Rose raised her chin.

“Who is it?” Mrs. Walden demanded. “Who’s the lucky man?”

Rose thought,Don’t tell her. Don’t give her any power over you.

But then she heard herself say, “It’s Oren Grayson.”

Mrs. Walden’s face burst into a horrible smile. Rose’s blood ran cold. There was something in Mrs. Walden’s eyes. But Rose couldn’t read what was going on in her head.

“You think he’s your ticket out of your social class, don’t you?” Mrs. Walden breathed.

Rose flared her nostrils. “We’re in love. I’m in love with him. It has nothing to do with class.”

“It has everything to do with class,” Mrs. Waldenblared.

Rose had never wanted to hit anyone before. She didn’t want to now, either. But she understood the impulse more than ever.

“I didn’t come here to manipulate Oren into falling in love with me,” Rose insisted. “He was married when I arrived.”

Mrs. Walden’s eyes glinted. “That’s right. And whatsoever could have happened to sweet Natalie? What a horribleaccidentthat was!” She said it with heavy sarcasm. She said it as though Natalie’s death had never been an accident, as though only idiots thought it was.

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