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“Really? What was it?” I ask curiously.

“Well, there were many parts, actually. It was layered, just like your sandwich.” I snort as his attempt to be funny, but he continues with a smirk. “We wrapped everything in the principal’s office in gift paper, we put oil on all of the locks on the lockers so that no one could open them, and we put googly eyes on everything in the cafeteria. It was hilarious. To get all of it done before 8 a.m., about fifty of us bribed a custodian to let us in and 3, and we worked like fiends for five hours. I don’t think Santa’s elves could have worked harder.”

I laugh.

“That’s fantastic! I don’t think we even have a prank planned. I mean, the pandemic ruined everything.”

John grins.

“You can use some of my ideas. I went to Corona High a long time ago too, you know. But it’s been so long that most of the school has probably forgotten about our pranks, so they’re ripe to be re-used.”

I cock my head, my mouth dropping open with shock.

“Oh my god, I had no idea we’re alum from the same school.”

He grins.

“Yep, but I’m not telling you my class year because you’re going to think I’m an old man.”

I giggle and swat his arm playfully. He catches it and pulls me close for a kiss, which makes me lose my train of thought. I’m breathless and flushed by the time he’s done.

“Don’t listen to what anyone might say,” he rasps, pulling away slightly when the kiss is over. “We’re the right age for one another.”

My heart races even as I smile shyly at the handsome man.

“Yes, we are,” I murmur against his lips. “I’ve never doubted it.”

The feeling between us is peaceful, yet exciting at the same time. We have a connection, and it only grows as our conversation continues. We continue to talk about my current high school days and John’s old high school days, comparing the two.

“Oh my god, you didn’t,” I laugh. “Seriously?”

He nods, blue eyes playful.

“Yeah, I flunked Spanish. Twice. I just can’t do foreign languages, no matter how hard I try. I’ll admit it.”

I giggle again.

“I’ll tutor you, if you want. Yo habla espanol.”

He merely kisses me again playfully.

“You can speak any language to me when we’re in bed together, sweetheart. Really, any language at all. It all sounds like music.”

I giggle again, so happy to be with this man. My heart turns over with his words, and the evening is perfect. I feel like I’m walking on air while enjoying the company of a gorgeous, intelligent man who cares about me.

Soon, however, it’s time to go. John and I gather up our trash, throw it into our containers, and then dump everything back into the Camaro. Then, John helps me into the passenger side and goes back around to slip behind the wheel. He’s enormous in the small sports car and I smile at him. But instead of turning on the ignition right away, he reaches over to take my hand in his. My small white palm is practically swallowed by his larger, bronzed one.

“I had a great time tonight,” he says seriously, the air between us cozy and intimate. Then he leans over and kisses me lightly. “I really liked being with you, Britney.”

My heart leaps and I bite my lip. “Me too,” are my quiet words.

With that, nothing more needs to be said, and John pulls the vehicle onto the street to begin our drive back into town. The stars twinkle over head as dusk comes, and my soul feels at peace. I was made for this man, and he was made for me.9JohnDating is difficult when everything is closed. I would love to take Britney out to a fancy dinner and a movie, but instead, we’re forced to spend our time at the grocery store or back at my house. ShopMore is a ridiculous place to get to know a woman, but unfortunately, I’m a caveman and I’ve taken her more than once in the privacy of my locked office. She’s been bent over my desk, my chair, plastered against the wall, and on her hands and knees more than once on the soft circular rug in the middle of my office. But Britney never complains. She always accepts my hardness readily, her creamy body willing and open for my love.

Now, things have started to get better with the pandemic, but we’re probably at least a month away from everything getting back to normal. But to be frank, “normal” can’t come soon enough. I want to be able to show Britney off. I want the world to know that I’m the man who owns this gorgeous, curvy woman. It has been nice having her all to myself for the month we’ve been dating, but I don’t want Britney to be my dirty little secret because our relationship is real. She deserves so much more, and I want to give it to her.
