Page 31 of All The Afters

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Teddy let out a little squawk. He was already in his car seat, ready to be carted to the car. In the following few minutes, Tish’s hands were full with an array of baby things, a diaper bag, and more.

I eyed her. “I can carry Teddy, or everything else.”

For a split second, she hesitated before laughing softly. “If you don’t mind, you can take him. He’s the heaviest.”

After Teddy was secured in the back of her car, I reluctantly left. A short drive later, I walked into Firehouse Café.

“Well, you look a little tired, Griffin,” Janet observed from behind the counter.

“Do I?” I countered.

Her brows hitched up. “You do, but some coffee might help. What can I get you?”

“Since I am a little tired, how about a really strong coffee? I’m not a complicated man. Your house coffee will do, if it’s strong enough.”

“Oh, it’s strong, but I’ll add a shot of espresso for you. That’ll make it even stronger.”

While I waited, I glanced around. The place was bustling. With most of the tables filled, and what seemed like an endless line of customers coming through the door.

I was still waiting for my coffee when I heard my name. Glancing over, I saw Beck.

“Hey,” Beck said, stepping out of the line to clap me on the shoulder. “Are you getting food or just coffee?”

“I started with coffee,” I replied.

“Dude, you have to get one of her sandwiches. She has a secret special.” He wagged his brows dramatically with that.

When I glanced toward Janet as she handed me my coffee, she rolled her eyes. “It’s not a secret. Beck likes to pretend like it is.”

“It’s a secret until I get it for him,” Beck countered with a grin.

Janet chuckled.

“You don’t have to get me breakfast,” I replied.

“He’s going to insist,” Maisie piped up at his side.

“Go for it. I’ll return the favor another time,” I said with a shrug.

Sandwich in hand, I walked out with them. “You headed to the station?” Beck asked as I stopped beside my truck. At my nod, he added, “Perfect. We’ll eat there.”

Only minutes later, I was sitting in the kitchen at the station, enjoying the excellent breakfast sandwich Beck had gotten for me. Maisie had kissed him on the cheek and headed out front.

He smiled over at me after he finished a bite. “Marriage is the best.”

“Is it now?” I returned.

Graham chuckled as he approached the table. “Beck is all about marriage. It’s funny. In high school, he was the biggest flirt ever.”

“Legendary,” Cade Masters quipped, as he stopped beside Graham.

Beck was unruffled. “I’ve got two kids, and I adore my wife and it’s just good. Are you married?”

Graham snorted as he sat down in a chair beside me, clapping me on the shoulder. “Buckle up. Beck is the station gossip. Nosy as fuck.”

Once again, Beck shrugged. “I like information. I don’t spread gossip. I just gather gossip.”

A laugh sputtered up as I looked over at him. “I guess I know who to go to if I have a question about something.”

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