Page 30 of All The Afters

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Chapter Eighteen


I could barely think through the fiery haze. “Make me come. Please. Now…” was all I could manage.

Griffin pumped his fingers into me deeply, barely grazing over my clit. I was desperate, I could hardly bear the pressure tightening inside. Again and again, he sank his fingers into me, stretching me and pushing me closer and closer to the edge. My hips were rocking into his touch.

“Griffin, now, please!” I demanded.

He pumped in deeply, his thumb working magic over my clit. My orgasm hit me so hard and fast that I barely heard myself crying his name in a ragged breath as my release slammed through me. Sensation drew tight before breaking apart with such force I trembled all over. I was grateful for his arm around my waist to hold me as my head fell to the curve of his neck.

I stayed like that for a long moment. The pleasure slowed to small waves and eddies before he withdrew his fingers and tucked my panties back into place. I breathed, barely pulling myself together.

Eventually, I lifted my head. He was right there waiting and dipped his head to give me a kiss. I didn’t know if it was months of exhaustion with a baby, or the tension I’d been functioning under, or just the fact that finally this happened with Griffin, but I felt more relaxed than I could ever remember feeling. I was sated on a deep level, down to my bones. I felt liquid and languid.

When Griffin drew back and lifted a hand to smooth my messy hair away from my forehead, it felt as if shimmering threads were catching between us and tightening. Although this felt undeniably right, I wasn’t prepared to examine that feeling. I desperately didn’t want him to leave yet.

A few minutes later, I was sitting on the small couch in the living room. Griffin’s gaze arced about the space. The living room had windows offering a view of a field and trees. With it being late summer, the fireweed blooms were falling, leaving faded fuchsia flowers scattered over the ground. The last rays of the sun still angled over the mountains.

There was a stone fireplace to one side and bookshelves lining the other wall. An archway led to the kitchen with a hallway on the opposite side where the bedrooms were.

“This is a nice place,” he said, catching my eyes.

“It is. I’m grateful that Madison and Graham rented it to me.”

“I’m glad it was available. It’s the perfect size for you and Teddy.”

“Thank you for making me dinner,” I said after a pause.

“I made mac and cheese. Nothing amazing,” he pointed out.

I bit my lip to keep from smiling too much. “I know, but I happen to love mac and cheese. I’m sure you could guess that based on the state of my kitchen cabinets. I have help from friends, but it’s a lot to have a baby by yourself.”

I didn’t realize how battened down I’d been keeping myself until the emotion rushed up and I felt tears stinging my eyes. I wasn’t sad that I had a baby. Teddy was the best thing that had ever happened to me. But it felt like I was constantly spinning plates in the air just to get by. I was overwhelmed with the idea of trying to go back to work and still do everything I needed to do.

Griffin slid across the short distance between us on the couch and curled his strong arm around my shoulders. His touch was warm and reassuring and solid, everything I needed.

“Of course, it’s a lot. No need to explain. I will make mac and cheese any night you want it.”

I didn’t want to move away, so I shifted slightly to lean back and look at him. “You mean that, don’t you?”

He didn’t miss a beat. “Absolutely.” He paused, studying me. “Now, we have to do the awkward thing.”

“What’s the awkward thing?” I asked.

“You’ll probably find a way to kick me out politely.”

“What if I don’t want you to leave?”

Chapter Nineteen


My brain felt hazy the following morning. After our intensely intimate encounter and Tish asking me to stay, we fell asleep in her bedroom. Teddy woke up once during the night, and Tish had tried to shoo me away, but I sat up against the pillows with her while she nursed for a few minutes before he fell back asleep.

In the morning, she seemed to start gathering up her doubts again. She had to go to work, and it was obvious her mornings were a rush. She was still trying to settle into a new routine. Despite the hurry, I’d gotten a kiss. When our lips were barely touching as I lifted my head, I whispered, “It was really, really, good to see you, Tish.

In that tiny pocket of time, it felt as if it was just us in the world. Her lips curled into a smile and the guarded look in her eyes had fallen away. “It was really good to see you, too, Griffin.”

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