Page 26 of All The Afters

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I could see her jaw tighten. “He took the condom off while we were having sex. He was so fast, I didn’t even notice. I confronted him on the spot when I realized what had happened. That was the last time we talked. I’ve never been too regular, so I got a little worried when I missed my period, but I didn’t panic right away.” She swallowed audibly. “I can’t even believe I’m telling you all this.”

Anger crashed through me in an abrupt, unexpected wave. “What the fuck? What an asshole. Not you, him.”

Tish rolled her eyes. “I was furious too. Even though I didn’t plan any of this, I decided I wanted to keep the baby. Paul— That’s Teddy’s sperm donor,” she clarified. “He hasn’t responded to me since. I did text him that I was pregnant. I don’t even want him to be involved. I figure I’ll probably never hear from him again. He’s a commercial fisherman.”

“Fucking asshole,” I muttered.

Her lips curled in a wry smile. “I appreciate your anger on my behalf. Anyway, that’s what happened after we kissed. I found out I was pregnant. When Rhys asked me to write the posting for the job here, I realized it was a great opportunity for me, with better pay, and so on. With everything that happened, I kind of wanted the fresh start.” She looked at me uncertainly.

“It all makes sense. So, how are you?” I repeated my earlier question.

Tish stared at me and let out a wondering laugh. “I’m great some days, I’m exhausted other days. Every minute of sleep I get is like pure gold. Teddy’s five months now. He recently started sleeping up to six hours a night, which is fucking amazing. I went back to the office today. I thought I might freak out and run to the daycare and get him, but I didn’t. I’ve been really lucky. Rhys helped a lot when I moved. He connected me with your brother Chase and your cousin Archer. I stayed in the garage apartment at Archer and Phoebe’s place for a month. Through Phoebe, I met Madison and Graham. They rent this house, so when the last tenant moved out, Madison let me know. It has more space than the garage apartment, so I jumped on it.”

“I’m staying in that same apartment right now. This is definitely a better fit with a baby,” I offered.

She smiled back at me as she nodded. “So, here I am. I was kind of surprised you even wanted to see me. I thought maybe you would assume, I don’t know, that I was seeing somebody else when we kissed.”

“It’s okay, Tish. You were worried about getting involved with me because you worked for my brother anyway.”

“It’s not like Rhys is the boss of my life. He was my boss,” she corrected. “And I guess he’s still my boss, but it’s more distant now. I just worried it would be awkward.”

“Maybe.” I shrugged, trying to ignore the thrum of my heartbeat.

She laced her fingers together, twisting them nervously. I reached across the counter, catching her wrist in mine before I slid my hand down to curl around one of hers. “What are you so nervous about?”

She easily curled her hand into mine. “I don’t know. Life has been a lot. You keep showing up when I never expect it.”

I took a slow breath as my heart kicked along hard and fast and true. There was something about Tish for me, something startlingly true. I gathered my courage.

“I think what I’m about to say might scare you away, but I feel like I should say it anyway,” I began.

“I don’t scare easy,” Tish said. “And, I’m sitting down, so I’m not likely to faint on you.”

I chuckled. “Well, that’s good. I don’t know how to explain this, but I feel like something is supposed to happen between us. I’ve felt that since the first time we met.”

“When you saved me from face-planting on the gravel?” she teased softly.

All I could do was nod. Quiet fell between us. I could hear the sound of a clock on the wall ticking and my heart echoing in rushing beats.

Eventually, she tipped her head to the side. “Maybe so, but I have a baby. Having a baby is… Well, really, most of it is just a lot of work.” She paused, letting out a soft sigh. “My life is a mess these days.”

I didn’t know what the hell had come over me. Every time I thought about Tish, I recalled the very first time we met when she fainted. I didn’t even know what I wanted. I just wanted, for once, to have a chance with her not to slip through my fingers.

“I get that. Let me clarify. First, I met you and you fainted. When I asked for your number, you said maybe you’d give it to me if we ever saw each other again.” Her lips twisted to the side and she rolled her eyes a little. “Imagine my surprise when I saw you at my brother’s wedding and came to find out you were Rhys’s assistant. I might’ve known that sooner, except I didn’t go to the office much and I didn’t live in Fireweed Harbor.” I pressed my tongue in my cheek as I considered my words. “And, now you’re here.”

“So are you,” she said softly.

“Before you go thinking I’m some kind of creep and followed you here, they decided to relocate the whole hotshot crew here. It was either move here, or make a career decision. At some point, I will work for my family’s company, but not yet. It turns out what they want me to do is handle the brewery here in Willow Brook when it’s up and running. I won’t pretend I didn’t think about you and didn’t wonder about you, but I promise I didn’t chase you here.”

She squeezed my hand. “I know. You’re not that kind of guy.”

“You trust me that much?” I teased lightly.

She lifted one shoulder in a small shrug. “I guess I do. I trust Rhys and he trusts you. But more than that, it’s a feeling.”

Just then, there was the distinct sound of a stomach growling. Tish’s cheeks flushed a delightful shade of pink. “That’s me. I forget to eat a lot. Babies do that to a person.”

“I won’t pretend I have a big repertoire in the kitchen, but I’m a solid cook. I can whip up some dinner if you have anything for me to work with.”

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